We Try... Part 1

Episode 2 December 19, 2020 00:22:13
We Try... Part 1
The Tea with Krema
We Try... Part 1

Dec 19 2020 | 00:22:13


Hosted By

Ema Alatini Kristofer Smith-Wright

Show Notes

We both love trying new things! In this episode, we reflect on things we have tried in the past and determine things we want to try moving forward. This is the first of many in the We Try episdoes of our podcast.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:08 Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the T with crema. My name is Chris and I'm here to date with AMA and we are talking about things that we'd like to try reflecting on things that we've tried together. Things that we've tried separately, things that we like, we don't like, and we're really doing this because throughout our podcast, we'll be reflecting and trying different things pretty intentionally. And so we just wanted to take some time to set that up and talk about things that we have tried. See if we notice any patterns and if that can help us set up new experiences moving forward. So get in into it. Emma, can you tell me about some things that you like to try in your free time? Not necessarily like with me, but just things that you like to try. Speaker 1 00:00:56 Well, after school, it's kind of hard to do things regardless. Cause I'm just so exhausted. So some of the things I like to do and I enjoy is long naps. No, I'm just kidding though. But things I do like to try to do after school is I have been going to CrossFit. This is going to be, I think my third year now of being in CrossFit, it's something I do pretty consistently. I try to go at least three times a week, shout out to the best box in Burleson, Texas at CrossFit success. Is there something that you like to do without me? Which I mean, why would you want to do anything without me? But it's cool. Speaker 0 00:01:31 Let me hear it. I'm a big fan of movies. I love food. And I also like trying new things have not seen a new movie in theaters in a very, very sad, long time. Alrighty. Popcorn. Oh, I like trying new video games. That's definitely something that we don't really try together very much. We have different ideas around video games. I guess we do eat food together a lot as well. So I just like to try new things. Usually it's if someone else sets it up, cause I don't like talking to new people, but the interest is there. I definitely will like, let's go try this thing. I'll do all the research with, and I'll like try to rope someone else into it. So when we arrive, they do all the talking Speaker 1 00:02:10 That just directly speaks to your Zodiac sign. So listeners out there, if you know Zodiacs, please guess what Chris's Zodiac is just based on that sole interaction right there. I think together though, we're pretty good. Uh, cooking new foods because fun fact, Chris is a vegetarian and I am a non-vegetarian. So we do like to try to cook new things. Our favorite recipe is a chicken Florentine. Speaker 0 00:02:35 I don't say I'm also not a lifelong vegetarian, even though it's something that is a part of my life, I do end up trying, Oh, a lot of new things because it's only been about four years. I feel like the vegetarian market and availability is really growing a lot recently. There's always something new to try the impossible burgers beyond meat. I've still never had 10 Bay Tempa I think a lot of our experiences, I will say revolve around trying new restaurants or trying new recipes, a lot of food based experiences. I'm not complaining. I love it. Not going to stop, but it is a lot of food based experiences for sure. Speaker 1 00:03:12 But I think that because you are also one of those first vegetarians I've met that doesn't necessarily like, Oh, we'll go to this restaurant and I'm going to eat a salad. No, like you're very intentional. Like if I'm going to a restaurant, like I can pay you to make my own salad. So why am I going to go somewhere that I can eat everything, you know, fully or at least make it meatless? I think that that has definitely been one of those interesting aspects of our relationship is finding places that we can go to, that we can both really enjoy the meals. And then also finding recipes that we can make that you can do it with your meat substitutes and I can make it with my non-meat substitutes or even just completely meatless. Speaker 0 00:03:45 Yeah. The chicken Florentine, a super easy to just swap the chicken for a meat substitute. And it was still delicious. The substitutions are pretty easy. You just find the meat substitute, boom, done breakfast still super easy. I eggs all the time. Speaker 1 00:04:00 I like breakfast. Not really. No. Speaker 0 00:04:03 When I'm like, let's go to this place joint Speaker 1 00:04:05 Because I get eggs Benedict everywhere we go. I try the eggs Benedict or corn beef hash at every single place we go to. So maybe that should be something we should try. Like I try breakfast foods. I don't know. I mean, I grew up in Hawaii and we eat spam, eggs and rice for breakfast, which I would consider a wonderful breakfast, lunch or dinner at spam hot electrical. Cause I am your biggest supporter. Oh, what are some things that you've tried and really enjoyed? Do you enjoy being a vegetarian? Speaker 0 00:04:28 Yes, I would say so. I became vegetarian for, I don't know if I call them moral reasons. I realized in college that if you were to say, okay, Chris, do you want bacon tonight? You gotta kill that pig. That pig would go alive. And I would be bacon lists. I thought about it reflected and realized that the only reason that I was eating meat was because I did not have to go to the fodder house and do the work of killing the animal and preparing it. And if I had to, I probably would refrain from eating meat. And that inspired me to make that decision to just eliminate meat from my diet. Literally just stopped eating meat one month from there on no meat have not had meat since October of 2017, haven't looked back. Don't really have any regrets. I enjoy it. I plan on continuing for the foreseeable future. Speaker 0 00:05:14 So I'd say that's one of my big things that I've tried, but kind of on the flip side, I tried going to the gym and had very mixed feelings about the gym I was going for like two or three years. And I just stopped going. I like the results from the gym, but the act of being at the gym was not my favorite. So working out and the sweating and the, all of that part was not my favorite. And then I tried camp gladiator. It was hard to do in Texas because it's hot y'all so I didn't like the afternoon classes cause it was no, it was terrible. And then the morning classes where it would start at five in the morning and they had later classes, but as an elementary school teacher, my work day starts really early. So for me to be able to do those workouts was waking up at like four, four 30 to get to the workouts at five, to get back home at six, to be ready, to go to work by set. I enjoyed the camp gladiator workouts. I did like Def Junes cause it's too hot. And then the mornings were too early to, if there was a way for me to push my whole work schedule back so I could still do it in the mornings. I would do it that way. What are some things that you're like, Oh, I've tried these things and I've committed to them. I know you've mentioned CrossFit going on three years. Congratulations on that journey. Speaker 1 00:06:23 It might've only been two years now that I'm thinking about it, but still shout out to the best blocks out there. That is one of those things that I have tried and really enjoyed the main purpose of this segment that we're recording right now is because we want to try new things like as friends, you know, we are people who enjoy doing new things and we'll try it at least once. And so what we're hoping to gain from this is maybe suggestions on things that we can either implement in our lives or things that you would think would be funny to try. Some things that I have tried is CrossFit and I've really enjoyed it. Some things that I have tried and not enjoyed was yoga. I was really bad at it. I know that I need to do it because I am not flexible. And part of the process of working out is that you need to recover and stretch and be flexible. I have the least flexibility of anyone that I've ever met. I think that CrossFit has helped my flexibility, some, but that is something that I'm really bad at is the recovery. So yoga. I was not good at it. I think I should try it again. I didn't try Speaker 0 00:07:20 It that one time we did two days exactly Speaker 1 00:07:22 Yoga with Adrian. Like you're fantastic. You're a great person, but my core was shaking so hard and I was so tired doing it. So I think I need to do it in baby steps. How do you stretch before you run? Um, I do a lot of butterflies. Like I hold my leg up. Speaker 0 00:07:38 Oh. Cause I thinking about it, like when I was doing the running challenge, I was doing yoga before I went running. I like yoga. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:45 And you're good at it. I'm moving on to the next part, which is like, what have you tried and liked? What couldn't stay consistent with was running. Like I did enjoy it. I don't consider myself a runner. My coach for CrossFit was posting a video on the Instagram. It was just a brief part of the beginning of our workout, which started with a run. And in my head I thought I was so fast. I don't think y'all understand. I thought I was like a track star out there. I watched the video back and I was like, why does it look like I'm moving so slowly? And I know I move slowly, but your girl thought that I was out there being Alison Buicks. I really thought I was doing something and I really wasn't. And so that was kind of like, Oh, I am slow. I think I do want to get back into it. But I do have the entire fasciitis. Speaker 0 00:08:25 What do you mean? You think you want to just a few days or you're like, Oh, okay. So that marathon we're running though. And I was like, marathon, I signed up for a 5k. I don't set Santa for no 26.2 miles. I don't know about all that. Speaker 1 00:08:38 I feel like we just got to jump into it, you know? Okay. I'm a little bit impulsive. So if y'all want to guess my Zodiac sign too, please do I want to see what y'all are going to say, but I think that I'm someone that would just like jump into it. But again, like consistency, that is always been my key is that I need to stay consistent on things. So I do need small, actionable smart for the wonderful Speaker 0 00:08:56 Part of another thing that I'm hoping that these particular episodes will bring out is consistently trying something. And then reflecting on that experience, you can't reflect on something you didn't do. So saying, Oh, we're going to try out yoga for 30 days. Let's skull set. What that's going to look like, how long per day, all of those questions. I think I bring out when I'm trying to do something. And at the end, really being able to say, was that sustainable? Did you like it? Was it nice? Was it enjoyable? Do you want to keep doing it? So that's something I'm hoping that we can take away from these episodes is a possibility of new habits or to very definitely say, no, this is not it. I don't like this. Sometimes I do think it's like that beginners curve. You just don't like it for the first like two or three days. Cause you're just like, everything sucks and this is terrible. And I don't like it. And then you kind of get into more of a habit with it. It feels better. It almost happened with me when we were doing the running Speaker 1 00:09:48 So good at it too. That's the thing, that's the thing that got me because you have been so adamant, like I'm not athletic, I'm not it. Uh, and then tell me why you were running like 10 minute miles. And if I'm not mistaken below 10 minute miles and some cases, I feel like that was one of those things where your siblings have always been the athletics siblings and you were always the brainiac siblings. So when it turned out that we were also athletic, that was Speaker 0 00:10:13 Athletic potential. I think we Speaker 1 00:10:15 All have athletic potential. I do not. I know very surely that I'm not athletic. I know that my athleticism comes in my brain. I will say that you played softball. I did not play softball. This is awkward. I don't know what best friend you got me mixed up with, but that is not me. Speaker 0 00:10:31 So do I have to hold memories like MOS out here just being a pitcher. Like Speaker 1 00:10:36 It's definitely going to be a catcher because I can move things. I can do stay in a place and catch a ball. Hopefully as long as it's going into my mint Speaker 0 00:10:43 And right field, like a ground balls and stuff, Speaker 1 00:10:48 You know, WB, when I was in seventh grade, I did tennis because my best friend was a tennis player and she was nationally ranked and she was the number one seed in Hawaii. I tried it on a whim. She was kicking ass and I was number 14 on the team out of 14. And then I tried my hand at golf that year because my other best friend did golf. I wasn't good at it in eighth grade. But when I did go to high school, I picked it up again and my sophomore year. And that's when I fell in love with it again. But you know, golf is expensive and not accessible for the poor. So I couldn't continue playing golf, but I did do shot put and discus all four years in high school. Oh. And I played soccer all the way up until I was a freshmen anaerobic activities. Yeah, exactly. So like shot put, and disc is for four years, we would go to those track meets and I would sit there and eat Oreos as the runners were coming by. And they're like, why do they not have to do anything? And we're like, we're throwers. At what point do we need cardio Tony's to do that. So I'm like not athletic at all. I would love to be athletic. I would love nothing more in the world than to be athletic goals. Speaker 0 00:11:47 It's just too hot in Texas. Honestly, it really is. I hate working out outside here, Texas, a different Speaker 1 00:11:54 Superhuman children because they have just resistance and perseverance and these weathers. And so I think when they do end up going to college somewhere, that's not in Texas, they just Excel because their body's like, Oh, a normal atmosphere and environment, not 130 degrees outside. Oh yeah. But I can do this. Speaker 0 00:12:12 You can run 26 miles in a record amount of time because I did it once and it was 115 degrees outside. So this could work. Speaker 1 00:12:20 I would love to try to do something athletic. I think we should try. Speaker 0 00:12:23 We tried golf. That was terrible. I hated it. I think I missed the ball several times. Actually. Speaker 1 00:12:29 I wouldn't even consider that golf. We did top golf and that was not real golf. I think we need to go like on the actual court. Speaker 0 00:12:34 But if I couldn't hit the ball in top golf and that's a flat, there's no water at top golf. And you want me to go out on a real golf course and then have to pick the different clubs and then figure out where the hole is and then figure out how to hit the ball to the, that doesn't sound like I would, Speaker 1 00:12:52 It's not a group sport. It's a very individual sport. Is it a sport at all? Yes, it is a sport. Are you kidding me anyway? Regardless of whether or not it's a sport golfers out there, come at him. But I think that in the upcoming year, if safety permits, we should try to do a group sport. Like, Oh, I was thinking like kickball, kickball is great too, or volleyball. Cause he liked volleyball. I'm going to all three of those sports. See? And people just automatically assume that I'm going to be good at volleyball. Cause I'm Tongan and free. Yes. It's a thing. So they're very disappointed when I can't play. That also goes to showing you, yes. Let's not stereotype our kids guys because you girl out here, it really trying to be athletic. So it really hurts my feelings when people will say, but you're dong it. Yeah, I know. And do you think the ancestors are happy with me? They're probably not. So you don't need to rub it in anymore. There's effort put forth. That was literally it like there is effort. Well, the ancestors be upset at my perseverance. No, but will they be upset that I can't hit a ball? Speaker 0 00:13:45 Makes sense. I would understand. All right. So got sports. Yep. Foods. We've talked about it. I want to try therapy, Speaker 1 00:13:51 But it's expensive. You want like fake therapy because I feel like, you know, okay, first of all, no, you can make that face all you want. But there are some people out here who got some real undiagnosed issues. Me and I think that you just want to do it for funsies. So how our district offers three free counseling services as part of our insurance plans, mental wellness. And so Chris and I have literally been trying so hard, but they also make it really hard at and inaccessible to try to find those things. So I feel like that's something that we really need to be more let's do that. But I agree therapy hashtag therapy. Speaker 0 00:14:25 They have that one app better help. I think I looked at it. I know you're talking about Headspace. Is that one? No. Headspace is meditation. Better help is a website for therapy. That's supposed to be more affordable. Speaker 1 00:14:35 Cool. So maybe we can look into that. I also thought that it might be fun to try veganism for maybe a week or two or two weeks. How am I going to know if I really like it or not? Speaker 0 00:14:44 Oh my God. You're not going to like it. Okay, fine. We'll try it for two weeks, but maybe Speaker 1 00:14:48 We just a week. Cause all you eat is eggs. So maybe I guess that might be an individual goal. Is I go meatless for a week or two, if you can't even have it with milk almond milk. I mean, I guess let's categorize it food wise. What do we want to try to cook more cuisines to try more cuisines? Speaker 0 00:15:03 We're good on that part. The only thing that we could do at this point, that would be a challenge would be to be actually yeah, for two weeks, Speaker 1 00:15:12 I guess I also really enjoy those fads. So like whole 30 and Helio. So maybe we could cry something like that if not strict veganism because I do know some vegans and they, they look like they make some pretty good stuff, but I think it is one of those things where like what do I use for eggs? And I can't use butter. Speaker 0 00:15:29 I think one of the things that I've had with those fun fad diets is that sometimes they're not super vegetarian friendly. So like keto is not very easy to do as a vegetarian paleo, I don't think is very easy to do. Speaker 1 00:15:42 Paleo is more conducive to be vegetarian Speaker 0 00:15:45 Where all you eat like raw ingredients almost. Speaker 1 00:15:49 It's basically like the caveman diet. So anything that a caveman would eat, which also like yes does include meat, but you have to think about caveman at the time. Meat was not highly accessible. So like you would eat meat. But, Speaker 0 00:15:59 But the problem with it is that you can't eat processed foods. And a lot of meat and protein substitutes are processed and I've tried to not eat protein and it makes your head hurt. Don't do it because your body needs protein lessons learned from an early vegetarian. I learned about dietary needs really? Speaker 1 00:16:15 Oh, I did want to try 75 hard pushups. No, that's the one where you don't do any fad diets. You just eat healthy. You have to get to 45 minute workouts a day Speaker 0 00:16:26 Who had an hour and a half and were Speaker 1 00:16:28 Facts. Anyway, these are things like we like trying. So if you viewers and listeners have anything, I dunno. I said, viewers y'all can view me. It's not like I got a YouTube. Speaker 0 00:16:36 I'm not doing that yet. Either. Right in there. Speaker 1 00:16:40 You listeners out there have anything that you think we should try. We're pretty game for anything honestly apron. Yeah. But I, again like we have very different playing styles. I don't mind getting hits you mind. I know you're very competitive Speaker 0 00:16:53 And the audit listened to me and that's how we didn't escape. Speaker 1 00:16:56 Anyway, it was going to take us at least another 10 minutes to escape. So maybe we could try again. So if you think that we should try maybe meditation or some funny challenges or a squat challenge. Squat challenge. Yeah. People do like spot challenges where they'll start with 50 and then every day progressively get up things like five. So then by the end squats with the weights, no, just like air squats. What, how, Speaker 0 00:17:17 What do you mean? Start with a 50? What does that mean? Speaker 1 00:17:19 On the first day one? You do 50 squats. Oh, I thought you meant for pounds. Oh no, no, no, no, no. Chris is also going to maybe attempt to do CrossFit. We're going to see we're going to see Speaker 0 00:17:29 Expensive and logistically difficult. So Speaker 1 00:17:31 Those are some options. But in this next month we are going to commit to a 30 day challenge with yoga. Stay tuned on our Instagram, at the T with crema to see how that's going. Speaker 0 00:17:40 We'll be starting in February. It'll be really nice. Speaker 1 00:17:43 It will be cause it's a short month. So 28 days. Oh 27 days. Because 28 days, I don't know how many days are in y'all there's never 27. Speaker 0 00:17:50 It's always 28 or 29. Speaker 1 00:17:52 I know I realized that as I said it, please edit this out anyway. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited though. I'm very excited too. I'm very excited to try new things and I always enjoy trying things with you because I feel like we just make everything into our show. We are both the main characters of our show. Most times the villains, but before we end, because we are the T with crema, I would like Chris to review his tea that he drank where he got it from. Whereas it locally source is a cage-free is it antibiotic free? Where'd you get it from Chris? Speaker 0 00:18:19 It is cage free. Organic. Just kidding. Can't afford either of those labels. It's regular white tea from H E B is a very light, light refreshing kind of floral tea. Definitely recommend for people who are new to tea drinking, or just need something light. And it's a good afternoon tea. Not too much caffeine. That's really important. Cause I know not understanding the levels of caffeine in different mounts of tea can mess up your daily routine cause that caffeine will sneak up on you. If you're sensitive to it like I am. So I definitely have to be mindful of which teas I'm drinking throughout the day. So on a nice afternoon, a good white or green tea works for me. Speaker 1 00:18:53 Ooh. Uh, HEB, Mr. Butts, if you could sponsor us as well and please, I know you sponsor teachers, so help us out. I am currently drinking. Uh, McDonald's Coke. That's my team today. That's cool. Sometimes we drink tea. Sometimes we drink, you know, a little bit spike tea. It is what it is moving into. The last segment of our show is our rapid fire questions. So would you like to go first? Can I go first? Last time? Yes you did. So I will go first. Who would you want to play you in the blockbuster movie? So the one that shows in theaters and then also the lifetime movie, because they can't afford it. Speaker 0 00:19:24 Wave. I don't watch lifetime movies enough to know the people. Oh, true. True, true. Cause I've only ever watched like four lifetime movies in my whole life. Speaker 1 00:19:31 Okay. Cut the question. Who would you want to play you in the blockbuster movie of yourself? It's coming out of big screen. We're going to see your face or I guess not your face, but your actor's face. Speaker 0 00:19:42 It would have to be Trevor Noah. Probably. That's a good one. You just have to that comedic delivery I think is key for me. So that's what I would have to pick Trevor now. And that's who it would be. Speaker 1 00:19:55 You don't have anyone that I feel like looks like me or my likeness. So it was funny because I brought up this question to Isaac beforehand and I was like, I would ask Megan Markle. He was like, but she's not, she doesn't have like your personality, but she could, you know, she's playing a character. She's an actress. She's an actress. Speaker 0 00:20:13 The range. That's all it is. Maybe Speaker 1 00:20:14 I'd ask Lizzo to play me. She's funny. I like her. She'd be out here. She'd be wild in. So if you have any ideas of who should play me in my movie, please let me know. What's your question, Chris. Bye. Speaker 0 00:20:23 Speaking of things that you get to try, if you could try to have any super power for 30 days, what super power would you want to have? 30 days, 30 days. It's a trial and then you have to pay for it. Speaker 1 00:20:34 Oh my gosh. How expensive is it to keep up this trial? You can't afford it. It's fine. Oh my God. Well, how do you know? I couldn't afford it? What if my super power was to like Rob banks and then I'd drop it up so that I could keep my superpower. That's you? I wouldn't get caught. That's the whole point. I think my superpower would be to teleport. No, what it's called the one that I could just like Europe, but that's like a continent. So Australia still the continent I'm dead. I guess I'd have to be like super specific, like longitude, 38.5 degrees, West Balboa latitude. You know, one of them things Speaker 0 00:21:06 That would be really helpful. What would you choose? I want to fly just funny. Cause I'm afraid of Heights. Speaker 1 00:21:10 Also. You could just teleport. Why would you fly? Because Speaker 0 00:21:13 We just learned about all the mishaps flying is pretty straightforward. I'll get there in one piece. Speaker 1 00:21:20 True, true, true, true. I also like planes, no kicks, birds. Like there's so much things that could go wrong in the sky. You could go too high and then you're all of a sudden you can't breathe. Have you ever seen iron man? That happened. That was real. Okay. Speaker 0 00:21:29 It's a 30 day free trial. Okay. I would learn the ins and outs and kind of try something different. Speaker 1 00:21:34 So Mike, that is only 30 days. I wish I could buy the full trial. Like I'm also really upset of how upset I'm getting that it's only 30 free days, Speaker 0 00:21:43 30 days trial. Where can people find the podcast? If they want to listen to other episodes, Speaker 1 00:21:48 They can find the podcast at anywhere that streams vodcast such as Apple or Spotify. And you can also find us on Instagram at, at the T with crema. Bye.

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