We Review... The Magicians

Episode 20 October 16, 2021 00:33:11
We Review... The Magicians
The Tea with Krema
We Review... The Magicians

Oct 16 2021 | 00:33:11


Hosted By

Ema Alatini Kristofer Smith-Wright

Show Notes

Trigger Warning: The Magicians contains many trigger warnings (r*pe, s*xual as*a*lt, s*xual ab*se), please watch with your own discretion as the episodes with the trigger warnings do not warn audiences beforehand.

In today's episode, Kris and Ema discuss another show that they watched together: The Magicians. They discuss what they liked, didn't like, and gave it a final rating.

The Magicians is a show that follows a group of friends who learn about magic as adults and begin to navigate both the real world and a fantasy world, while trying to understand the inner workings of their newfound powers. They have to save the world countless times from magical beings, mythological beings, and sometimes just from themselves.

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