We Try CrossFit & Yoga

Episode 9 March 27, 2021 00:37:38
We Try CrossFit & Yoga
The Tea with Krema
We Try CrossFit & Yoga

Mar 27 2021 | 00:37:38


Hosted By

Ema Alatini Kristofer Smith-Wright

Show Notes

We made fitness goals for the month of February. Today, we check in to see how those goals went and what we can do better with our future fitness endeavors.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:06 Lizzo did something like that in her video, one of her videos, and then people were like, what the F was that says, why are you speaking to the camera like that? Speaker 1 00:00:22 Hi everybody. And welcome back to the T with Kraemer. My name is Chris, and I'll be one of your hosts today. And I'm joined by my best friend, Emma. Today, we will be reflecting on our month of goals. We set a lovely set of goals in February, and we're going to be talking about what had happened. Did we do well? Did we not do well? What are we going to do moving forward before we do that? We want to check in with our teas. So Emma, what tea are you drinking today? Hopefully not ginger ale. Speaker 0 00:00:54 No. Today I am drinking a green tea by trader Joe's. It's not as good as the big, low one. I will say it's a little bit more subtle. I also don't know if it's because my water wasn't super hot enough yet because somebody unplugged my hot water cuddle. So I don't, I don't know, but it's all right. What are you drinking? Speaker 1 00:01:12 I'm also drinking green tea, but it has a little bit of Jasmine and it is from York shyer tea, Yorkshire tea, green tea with Jasmine. So that's it keeping it calm, keeping a nice cigar. We got green teas. I don't know. I think it's weird. Green tea is one of those ones. Like you. Okay. No matter who makes it, but there are definitely some brands where I'm like, Hmm, this one's better. For sure. I like the green teas that have a little bite to them Speaker 0 00:01:39 Moving into our episode today. Speaking about our goals in February. So if you recall, actually, I don't even know if we ever announced what our goals were. So I guess just start there. What were your goals for? Speaker 1 00:01:52 So I decided February is a super short month. And so the only way I was going to try this was like, we got to find a short month. That way I don't feel overwhelmed in case it goes bad. So for the month of February, I tried CrossFit. What about you? What did you have going on in February? Speaker 0 00:02:08 I was going to attempt to do yoga. And that was our main reasoning was because it's only 28 days long. Like it was going to be either really hit or miss. But then there were a lot of things that went wrong in the month of February in Texas, just for starters, we had the Snowmageddon, so that cut out a week of things that we could have done. But I guess we'll talk a little bit more about that as we get deeper into the episode, but I guess we should get right into it. So Chris was doing CrossFit and I was doing yoga. Speaker 1 00:02:35 I'll start with yogurt. Cause apparently it didn't go so well, but some background information. Have you done yoga before? Speaker 0 00:02:42 No, not really. I'm not. And I don't even think it's like, I'm not flexible or maybe I just like, I understand the benefits of it. Like I see it then I also know there's a, it's like a little bit controversial to do yoga. Like it's one of those things that I'm just kind of like, uh, I don't want to be like disrespectful of the practice because it is like an actual practice, you know, it's not just like gentrified yoga as we see it on YouTube. But again, like, is that a reason why I didn't succeed? No, I'm always really conflicted about these things. Like, but yeah, no, it didn't go well for me it lasted a total of three days. I do still have the down dog. It was called downward dog down dog. I still have the down dog app. And if you're a teacher, you get the rest of the school year free. And then when Chris has signed up, he actually got it for $15 for the whole year. Speaker 1 00:03:28 It was a beginning of the year special. So January when I started using it, it was very free. And then it was $15 for the rest of the year. So I still have it. It's still there. I haven't been super consistent with it either, but also doing yoga. Wasn't a goal that I had intensively set for myself. I was doing three to five days of yoga in January. And then in February I focused more on doing the CrossFit, even though even the trainers at CrossFit were saying the yoga there's different benefits to it. So I think moving forward, I'll be a bit more diligent on doing them both at the same time. But have you ever been to an actual, like in the studio yoga class? Speaker 0 00:04:12 No, because even in college, like I used to see that, but it was always like, yoga was always the class that was at like 5:00 AM, 6:00 AM, 7:00 AM. Like no one ever does like 3:00 PM yoga. So it was always like the really early ones. And if you know me, I don't do very well with lack of sleep. I also don't like to interrupt my sleep. So yoga was not going to be something that was going to be happening. I have tried Pilates, which I know is kind of similar. Not really. It's a little bit more cardio based, I guess. But yeah, yoga has just never been one of my things. Like my stepmom does yoga and she's really good at it. And I always thought like, Oh, maybe I could get into it too. And I just, I don't know. I, I, I think I have to figure out why. I think there's a lot of unpacking to do, why I haven't done it. Speaker 1 00:04:54 I don't know. You either do it or you don't, you like it, or you don't, it's like meditation, but active. It's like active meditation, which I think is also why I took to meditation so easily because I had practice. I've never gone to a, a formal class regularly because yoga is kind of expensive. So I have never, I've never gone to, like, I've been to a few classes that I've been invited to. I've never tried hot yoga. I will never try goat yoga. Speaker 0 00:05:25 I want to try goat yoga just because the goats are so cute. Speaker 1 00:05:28 Nope. And then I saw that episode of nine 11, where this lady got a parasite in her eye and almost made her go blind because she was doing goat yoga or she's a goat yoga trainer. It was too much that confirmed for me. I'm never doing goat yoga, VR. No. So I've never paid for a formal class. I've never taken it consistently. I just kind of do it when I do it. I did not, they might've offered it when I was in college. I don't remember. Speaker 0 00:05:51 So going off of yoga, the reason why I wanted to do it was because I saw how flexible Chris was. But I also think that Chris is just naturally flexible and Isaac is also pretty flexible too. And I'm just the not flexible friend. And so I wanted to try it. And my coaches at CrossFit always talk about like the benefits of yoga and like, it's like, so that's why I had gotten into it, but I did not do well. And again, like I did three days of it and it wasn't even that it was like super long, you know, strenuous workouts. Like it was like maybe supposed to be 15, 20 minutes. And I just like could not, or would not take time out of my day to do it. So, you know, like I know that it's good to stretch after you work out. I know it's good to like, have these moments of meditation, I guess in your day, do you think Speaker 1 00:06:35 You would do it after a CrossFit workout? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:37 And I think that's like when I should be doing it and I should probably just stay at the gym and do like a 15 minute cool-down instead of coming home, because a lot of times what was happening was like, I'd go and work out. And then I come home and like, I would just be dead already and want to just shower and eat dinner and do my thing instead of, you know, taking the time to actually stretch, which I guess like also if you're doing it correctly, you would do it right after a workout anyway, because your muscles are still warm and Speaker 1 00:07:06 CrossFit coaches tell us to do before relieve every time. And then we just leave. I'm just saying, Speaker 0 00:07:13 I got people to see, just kidding. I don't got nobody to see. I also don't have places to go anyway. So yeah. So I think that that's like, maybe I'll be more intentional maybe for the rest of March. I'll be more intentional month of April. Speaker 1 00:07:24 You paid for it. So at this point, you've got to use that out. No, it's free. I did not pay for it. Oh, well, I paid for it. So I have to use it more. Speaker 0 00:07:31 I feel like what I pay for something then. Yeah. Like super serious about it. But like I did it Speaker 1 00:07:35 Like actually try it. Not fake. Try it. Yeah. Cause he also just like yoga just might not be the move for you, which is fine. It is what it is. It's something to the world, but I want to be more flexible. Well, if you think I'm flexible, man, I knew all these dancers growing up, bro, tell you flexible feet used to be okay. Well I think that's all we have for yoga. We try it. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:07:57 That, that, that the, and moving on to CrossFit now. So Chris attempted to do CrossFit this past month and not even attempted like you did actually very well. So let's talk about that a little bit. What was the purpose of doing cross it? Because you made me, I did not make you do anything. Like you act like I'm like Chris, you need to come do this. All I said was like, Chris, you should try it. I didn't say you had to do it. Speaker 1 00:08:19 Okay. Well you tell me why you keep doing it. Cause you're on like eight years of CrossFit, so, okay. You're Speaker 0 00:08:28 Right. It's like the number after seven you, Speaker 1 00:08:30 Right? It's 16. I'm sorry. I forgot you old. My bad old, old. Speaker 0 00:08:36 They only started CrossFitting and at the end of my first year of teaching, so it's been three years now, maybe two, Speaker 1 00:08:43 But again, that's a commitment. Like you've been doing it for a while. So before we start talking about my experiences, let's talk about, cause again, I wouldn't have done CrossFit had you had no background. There would've been no reason for me to do it. So I'm curious about a, why it's something that you enjoy doing. You also bring Isaac to do it every now and then, and then it's something that you've actively asked me to do. So I'm curious, what is it about your previous experiences with CrossFit that really have you passionate about it? Like it's not one of those, like, eh, it is what it is like CrossFit is kind of okay. Like you're actually very, no, I enjoy CrossFit. I like CrossFit try CrossFit. Speaker 0 00:09:20 Gosh, you're making me sound like those CrossFitters that I hated when, before I started. So actually I think it goes a little bit farther back after my sister had my first nephew, she started like working out and for some reason she started doing CrossFit with one of her friends and they just got really into it. And so she was always like, Oh my gosh, you should try it. Like, I think you'd really like it. I lifted a little bit in high school, but not enough to be like competitive. I didn't really know any technique. And when I had moved to Texas in that first year that I was here, I think I gained like 20 or 30 pounds. And so I was just also a little bit like undiagnosed depressed because I couldn't find a job. And then I finally like started teaching and I wasn't taking care of myself. Speaker 0 00:10:03 And one of my best friends from work was like, you should come and try and do CrossFit because like, I love it. Like I do evolve, blah. I went once in November and then I didn't return again until March that November workout kicked my booty. Like I was in so much pain. I was like, I'm never doing that again. That was terrible. And then I started going in March and I was like, you know what, let me just try it out. And once I started like being able to lift and like see the changes, I think in my body from just like getting stronger, like I will say that I still have not like I've lost weight doing it, but I feel like I've lost more just like inches doing it. And my body is just like tightened up, but I just enjoy seeing my body gets strong and it's like, it makes me feel good to like go work out for an hour and then like leave everything else at the door. Like that's my hour to do things. And that's what it is. That's why I enjoy it so much. Did you enjoy it during your month of February? Speaker 1 00:11:01 Well, I would say overall, it was not a terrible experience, mostly because I went into CrossFit thinking that I was going to die, not like fake die. I truly thought that I was going to try to do an exercise and then a bar, it was going to land on like my face or my neck or like I was going to bend my spine in a weird way. I genuinely was like, I'm going to do CrossFit and then I'm going to die because I did not have lifting experience of ever. I've never picked up a bar. I've picked up some dumbbells when I was doing camp gladiator, but actual weight style training, not something that I've done aggressively. In fact, I wouldn't say that I've ever done any muscle building intensive training before I've always done more cardio based activities. I've always done. Even when I was a fake dancer in high school, that type of workout is not, Oh, let's like lift things as much as possible. Speaker 1 00:12:03 It's let's work on your flexibility and making like thin endurance based muscles. So I had occasional lifts of people, but it wasn't sustained, um, muscles, biceps, triceps, deltoids. I think those are all muscles, but we didn't have to do all that. So I enjoyed pushing myself in a very, very, very, very brand new way. And the two trainers, Jen and James were both super awesome coaches because I know even talking about it before, you had mentioned a little bit about being worried that I had never done any type of training, similar to CrossFit before and being able to work with the coaches and getting that one-on-one so that I didn't actually hurt myself. Like I thought I was going to, but they've been very intentional about making sure I don't do anything crazy that ends in a long-term injury. And they're very quick to say, you know what, actually, I don't think you've built up the strength or the skills to do a full workout yet. So let's try empty bar. Let's try the PVC. Let's put a lightweight on it. And so I've never felt pressured to do the prescribed workout, which it's nice to eventually know that I could build up to that and that no, one's like no pick up the bar, put 95 pounds on it and then do a squat lift, Jack knife, jumping Jack snatch clean. Speaker 0 00:13:30 He's doing super great with the workouts. Everyone just in case you couldn't tell from his naming of the workouts, like he's already been doing this for a month and a half now to also shout out to the best CrossFit out here in Texas and Burleson, Texas at CrossFit success. Shout out to Jen and James. We love you. But anyway, like you were saying, Speaker 1 00:13:50 I still don't know the names. So I'm finally on little app thing. I half the time, I don't know what I'm actually doing. So I just show up and they show me, but the actual experience of doing the workouts is nice. Am I tired afterwards? Yes. And I saw her for the next few days. Yes. But it's fun to do the workouts. And I will say I've never worked out in a group setting like that. Like I did. That's not true. Actually. That's a lie. I did it with camp gladiator and I kind of like that collaborative spirit is fun. Cause it was, I liked that part of camp gladiator too. So not feel like, like, yes, it's a little competition, like, Ooh, who can do the most amount of whatever who can do it just a little bit faster, but neither one of those environments felt like it was a loser. You could only do 10. Wow. You suck. So neither environments had that, which I really enjoyed because again, I do not view myself as an all-star athlete by any means. So it's just nice to feel like I can do things at my own pace. Speaker 0 00:14:54 I think it's funny that you say like, it's like comp, it's like a little bit competition based, but you're not pressured by the competition. Like I didn't even realize that we were competing with each other until yesterday's workout. And you're like, Oh, I can finally beat you in a workout. And I was like, I did not even realize that we were competing against each other this whole time. I was just trying not to die. And so I would finish my workouts at a little bit faster to not die a little faster. Speaker 1 00:15:17 James even said CrossFit is inherently competitive, Speaker 0 00:15:20 I guess. Yeah. I mean, I see that, but I wouldn't try to compete with you because like, this is your first time doing it. So that would be just rude to be like, Oh, I'm going to kick your butt at this. Like knowing that I know how to do the movements a little bit faster. Like I just have a better grasp of it. Now, the cardio stuff, I feel like, yeah, you'll kick my butt all day. Every day. Speaker 1 00:15:37 Clearly you've never played video games. Like it doesn't matter first time playing the video game or not. They're just like, Oh, you still are a loser. Get better. So I'm definitely used to just like starting being behind there needs to be a learning curve. And I figure it out like, yes, I knew I just was not going to do exceedingly well. And a lot of things, I'm still not RX on that's the right word prescribed. Right RX. So I'm still not doing the prescribed workouts most of the time. Cause I just, I cannot lift the things sometimes. So yet again, it doesn't that part doesn't worry me. Like I'll get there when I get there. Speaker 0 00:16:13 What was your favorite workout in this past month and a half? Speaker 1 00:16:16 I think I've enjoyed doing the handstands, like developing the handstands in the balance that go with it. So I'm hoping that I can do a nice little handstand walk before long, like within the next two or so weeks, Emma won't help me cause she keeps thinking I'm going to kick her in the face. But know, Speaker 0 00:16:33 I also want to point out that I have been doing this for almost three years and I still can't do it like anything has done. I can't get up on the wall. I can't, I can't do anything with the handset. I've hurt myself doing it. So I think it's more of a fear-based thing at this point. But Chris literally got in there the first day and like got up on the wall and I was almost pushed him down so he would hurt himself. But I did not. I just watched and I just watched on and jealousy and it's fine. Some of us have strengths and some of us have weaknesses. It really is a mental thing. So it's, it has been fun though to have Chris in the, in the gym with me and just kinda like pushing each other. And I still don't know how to address you on this. Like do I say you or do I say Chris? Speaker 1 00:17:09 Okay. It depends on if we're talking directly to each other. That's fine. Just let it be natural. Speaker 0 00:17:14 Feel natural. You're right. Anyway. Speaker 1 00:17:16 Also I'm never going to open a can for him again, after I watched her pick up all these big, heavy bars, I'm like, nah, you can open your own cans. This is ridiculous. Don't ever ask me to open a jar, Speaker 0 00:17:27 But it's a different strength. Yeah. I can throw 130 pounds over my head, but still Speaker 1 00:17:36 Next time we ever cook and she's like, okay, you open this jar of pickles, no open your own jar of pickles, miss Ooh, let me pick up this 800 pound bar. Speaker 0 00:17:45 You know? But like again, like that's finger strength versus like if I could open it with my biceps and all right, but I can't open it with my bicep. Speaker 1 00:17:52 It's your fingers. Do not believe that that I would need, I'm going to need a, what do you call it? A biologist, a kinesiologist, someone to be like, these are the muscles that you use when opening a jar, a physiologist. So if you are any of those things and you can tell us the biomechanics that go into opening, aren't you a bioengineer, shouldn't you be able to tell me Speaker 0 00:18:14 You should be able to tell you. That's why I'm like literally like trying to figure it out right now. So I feel like usually it's the muscles. It's your forearm muscles. I guess your muscles Speaker 1 00:18:22 Here. It's this Speaker 0 00:18:24 Clearly I've been out of school for too long. I'm going to go ask my bioengineering friends until you let you know what these physiology med majors, and maybe we should ask him to ask his professors. Okay. So was there anything that you did not like about CrossFit? Is there something that you'd like to change? Speaker 1 00:18:39 Well, something that I don't like about anything is that it's not free. So my favorite thing is free 99, but you know what? You gotta do what you gotta do. So it is, it's an additional monthly cost that I have to take into consideration. And it's a monthly cost and more than just the gym membership itself, it is also and something that I really do not like, and it has nothing to do with the CrossFit gym itself. I am not a big commuter driver. So something that I did not like about this month of doing CrossFit is it is a 25, 30 minute drive per direction. So to get to the gym, 25, 30 minutes to get back another 25 to 30 minutes, I don't like drives. So I do not enjoy that part, which again has very little to do with CrossFit. I just don't like it. So that part, when it came down to the end of the month and I had until lay out the pros and cons, those two things were weighing quite heavily on the con side, it's an additional cost. And of course like when you're doing additional driving, there's also the additional costs of gas and all that other stuff. So that was probably the only part that I did not really like. Speaker 0 00:19:49 Yeah. I feel, I feel that, trying to think if there's anything that I dislike about CrossFit. Like it's definitely not like my CrossFit gym. I think like CrossFit as a sport can be viewed as problematic sometimes all the time. It's a little bit elitist. Like my gym is definitely not, you know, they're very open and like welcome, and it's pretty diverse, but like I can see across the board that that's not a thing. And also because it does cost so much and that's because the equipment costs a lot of money to, you know, maintain and upkeep and things like that. I can understand why that's like a barrier to entry for a lot of people. And so like, even when you look at like the athletes who do CrossFit and are able to do it professionally and like as their main job, I think the one thing that is problematic to me is like the lack of diversity and the lack of sponsors to people who look like me. Speaker 0 00:20:40 Um, so I think that's like one of the things I dislike about the CrossFit itself, but like as a community will say that everywhere that I have ever, crossfitted like not just in my own gym, but even in California, I've been in Costa Rica. I've been in Australia. All of those places have the same like basic value of community. Like even if that's your first time in the gym, most people are welcoming. And I can only say this is from my own experience. So I know that that's not the wide experience for a lot of people. I think coming to terms with that is also something that is interesting. And that's one of those things that it's like CrossFit could do better, but again, like CrossFit success, the one that the gym that I go to has been nothing but like welcoming and provided that community to me. Speaker 1 00:21:25 I went to another CrossFit gym one time and the elitist attitude, just, it pops immediately. And I didn't even work out at that gym. I just got back in my car and drove home and never returned, Oh, we'll leave the gym unnamed, but it did happen. So I have tried CrossFit even before we were, it was like within the first year that I was teaching, tried, it went to it. The vibe was very off at this particular location. It was also Hawaiian, oddly expensive. So it just was not going to happen. It wasn't on the cards for me at that time. But CrossFit success, I did not run into those same types of issues. I find that it's far more affordable and I did not get, I did not feel that elitist look down your nose vibe when I went there. So that was really nice. Speaker 0 00:22:15 You know, there is an ugly side to anything. So Speaker 1 00:22:18 For me. Speaker 0 00:22:20 Okay. So what surprised you the most about your CrossFit journey? Speaker 1 00:22:23 I think the thing that surprised me was that I felt like I was working out really intensively and I didn't have to worry too much about my diet. I feel like my diets okay. Except for on the weekends, but the diet part was fine. And I think the two things that really shocked me the most was that, Hey, there was no change in my weight at all after a month, not, not even a half a pound, not a bit of change. It was the weight that I started was the way that I ended after that month. So that part was odd. I don't know how I feel about it yet. Still wrapping my head around the fact that I did not lose any weight, but they do take other measurements. And I feel like this is probably on purpose because I, I cannot imagine that I'm the only person that's had this experience. Speaker 1 00:23:04 So I would imagine that they would need to do these types of measurements to convince people that change is actually occurring because had I only measured weight after doing CrossFit for a month, I 100% would not have went back because there's just no way after doing a month and then to not have that change. And that's like the, I think the most common measurement that people use for health. So to see that that did not change. And if that was my only measurement, I definitely would not have gotten back, but they do other measurements, which is really nice and was helpful as far as returning that. And so we measured my waist, chest hips, thighs, and arms, and all of those measurements went down after a month. So they went down either a half inch all the way up to, I think the greatest amount of like decreased Singh was two inches. So I saw that there was some sort of change. There were changes other than wait. I don't necessarily know what that means again, internally physiologically, but there was change. So that part did help when it came time at the end of the month to really figure out, okay, am I going to keep doing this? And for how long Speaker 0 00:24:18 Even our coaches always say too, is that like, your exercising can only be one part of it. Like your diet also has to be taken into consideration. Chris just naturally eats very healthy. And for myself, like I indulge in the more than occasional French fry. And so like I do know that when I was keeping to like a very strict diet and really watching, like my caloric intake styles and deficit, I did lose a lot of weight. Like I was down pre pandemic. I was down about 20 pounds. And then like, I have gained back like five, 10 pounds and I was eating pretty clean. Like I wasn't on keto. I wasn't on like whole 30 or anything like that or paleo, it was just eating. What's better for my body. So, you know, seeing what you're planning on doing and everything like that, what do you hope is like your overarching goal with using CrossFit? Like I know you are only planning on doing it for a couple more months. Like, what do you hope to happen? Speaker 1 00:25:12 I'm going to keep doing it for two more months. So I'd have done it three months overall. And the goal fits into the larger scheme that I have for myself in relation to the vision board. So it's getting to be at a body build and I'm starting to look beyond weight, but a body build and type that I feel more comfortable with. And it's something that I feel like I can achievably maintain over time. I think I'll have to try stuff out with as far as workouts and diets and things of that nature to find that eventual balance. But I'm going to keep doing this for three more months, because again, I've not ever intentionally done intensive muscle building workouts like this. So I think seeing a bit more results or seeing what those results could be across the three months, and then I'm going to make a transition into the summer to start doing other types of workouts for a different purpose. So that's the goal right now. So I'm going to do it for three months total, see what happens. And then I'm probably going to make a transition at the end. As we enter side, Speaker 0 00:26:23 I'm like looking at my vision board right now and mine says, make and celebrate strength gains. And I think I have been doing that. It also says be food smart. You know, what vision board minded business. Speaker 1 00:26:35 I mean, food smart does mean eating good foods. Right? Speaker 0 00:26:38 Exactly. Like good food. Like not good for me, but like delicious, you know, good is a very Speaker 1 00:26:44 Open term. You know, it's good Speaker 0 00:26:47 On purpose, you Speaker 1 00:26:48 Know, good can mean a lot of things, but all right, before we end the episode, so I know we talked about yoga, we talked about CrossFit. One of the things that I wanted to bring up really quickly, it wasn't necessarily part of the original plan for the episode. But as we are continuing the pandemic, I know that vaccines have become a bit more readily available. So I want to take some time to kind of talk about your experiences within, around vaccination. I'm going to share like my experiences. I know that it's something that some people try to keep a bit more private, but I think my, my goal in doing this is kind of sharing that journey that I'm going through because I know that there are people that are just kind of waiting to see what happens as other people are taking their vaccines and getting vaccinated. Speaker 1 00:27:34 So I just want to take this time and talk about what I've done so far, how it's impacted me so far and then providing an update. Because at this point I can say, I'm only, I've only received one of the vaccinations and I got the Pfizer vaccination and that happened mid-March so as of right now, I have one step done. I'll get my followup in a few more weeks. And then we'll kind of circle back around and provide an update on that. But for me, I think I just had to, I signed up because in Texas we've been in the classroom since October. So it just made sense that given my presence in such an environment, I wanted to take precautions for myself, for my families, for my students. And it, it just made sense. And I wasn't super, I know a lot of people have been worried about, Oh, the side effects of getting a vaccine that was developed in such a short amount of time. Speaker 1 00:28:33 But I think just kind of given the evidence around vaccinations overall, historically the good tends to outweigh the bad. So there's always the possibility, no matter what medication that you take, that you're that one in a million case of really bad negative side effects. But I felt mostly confident that I'd be all right. This is also departure because I don't typically get the flu vaccine every year. So it was definitely something that I had to come to terms with and getting my round one. I just had my sore arm for a day or two. So I think that part was pretty easy. We'll see what happens in a few weeks as I get round to, Speaker 0 00:29:11 I got the Moderna vaccine and I had signed up as soon as signups opened in Texas. So that was beginning of January while I didn't qualify because of this hearing in Texas, I just signed up just waiting for it. And right after Texas had reopened like fully and got rid of the mask mandate, the governor did open it up to teachers. And so from that, there was a city nearby that had opened it up to school worker. So I signed up, was able to get vaccinated through them. And then on the day that I was getting vaccinated, Fort worth finally got back to me from the original January signup and was like, Oh, we can vaccinate you this Sunday. By that point, I had already been vaccinated and same thing, like I've been in the classroom since October. So now we're like working on a way to get my mom vaccinated goes to show you, like, I do have the first dose, but like, we're still taking our precautions to make sure that she is not, you know, putting herself in harm's way. Speaker 0 00:30:09 Like when she doesn't need to be, especially with Texas reopening and especially with like the mask mandate being a little bit more relaxed. Um, same thing happened. I got it done on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I had a little bit of tenderness. My throat was hurting, but I don't know if it was because of like a long day of teaching or if it was because of the vaccine. Like I still don't know, but every little like ache and pain, I was like, Oh my God, is this it? Um, so I will be getting it in a couple of weeks, my second dose in a couple of weeks. And I'm just like looking forward to, to just be fully vaccinated. And then my mom has finally got her appointment as well. So, but I think it is important for us to look at, you know, historically, yes, this vaccine did come out really quickly, but coming from a science background, I do understand like how vaccines are created. Speaker 0 00:30:58 This technology has already been there for, I think like 10 years now. They just had never used it for a vaccine. Cause it would just wasn't necessary. There is a lot of misinformation going on, you know, older generation out there. If you are thinking about it, please go and get vaccinated, younger generation. If you live with people who are older in your household, like I would say, you know, research, do the research yourself, but again, make sure it's a reputable source. Like not everything that Dr. Google says is the truth. I think that it's super important that we discuss getting vaccinated with our grandparents and our parents and everybody in the fall that did that debt, debt, vaccinations. Speaker 1 00:31:35 So think that is all that we have for December posole. Is there anything you would like to add about yoga across vaccines, goal setting, Speaker 0 00:31:45 Goal setting? Every time I do CrossFit, I will attempt to do like a range of movement or rom wad is what they call it. Um, 15 minutes doing some targeted stretching, and that's where I'll start from there. So we can check in at the end of April to see how I did and that's about it. And so to close out our episode, like we do every single time we have a rapid fire question, Christopher, take it away. Speaker 1 00:32:18 Wow. So now I have to ask a question. That's usually how this works. All right. So my question today is how do you like to spend your Sundays? I know for teachers that is not a day of mandatory work. So how do you like to spend your Sunday? Speaker 0 00:32:36 Jesus said I needed to rest on Sunday. Just kidding. My Sundays always ended up being more busy just because I feel like Monday through Saturdays recently have been super packed. Like I've been, I've been in conferences, I've been in meetings. So like Saturdays have not been a day off either. So Sundays I generally, or you just, did you say, how do I usually, or how do I, like, Speaker 1 00:32:57 How do you like to spend yourself? Speaker 0 00:33:00 Okay. So if I'm not working on a Sunday, I like to spend it by sleeping in. And when I sleep sleeping in like, I mean sleep like slumped, like no alarm clock. I'm waking up. When I wake up, I like to spend it sleeping and then waking up whenever I feel like it. I also like to spend it not doing anything. My computer's off. Like everything is off. I am on plugged. I'm literally just watching Netflix. And that is all, that is my ideal Sunday. Cause like normally all my Sundays are filled with like meal planning and not even like meal finding anymore because like, I feel like my mom does most of the meal planning now, but like it's filled with me studying and it's just work. What about you? How do you like to spend your Sunday? I Speaker 1 00:33:42 Like to spend my Sunday setting myself up for success for the other days of the week. So for me, like an ideal Sunday is I am, Speaker 0 00:33:52 Are you like to do that? You Speaker 1 00:33:54 Like, I like to do that. So I, because for me it's one of those things. It, it helps with the rest of the week. So on a good, a good, good Sunday. Speaker 0 00:34:04 But like, if you didn't have to think about work, that's like you would like to do that. Yes. Speaker 1 00:34:11 So first of all, I'm Speaker 0 00:34:12 Not judging your ideal Sunday. I'm just saying, why does your Sunday still revolve around work? Speaker 1 00:34:17 Cleaning is therapeutic to me. I enjoy cleaning things and making things clean and nice and neat and organized. So an ideal Sunday for me would be up before, well, before 10, like solid before nine, actually again, I wake up naturally that early, so I'd be up cooking breakfast. And then like I'm cleaning my apartment. I'm preparing all of my meals for the week, planning any like dinner stuff that I needed to get done the last minute trips to the grocery store. Although I do like to do those on Friday or Saturday because like an ideal Sunday, like I don't really have to move and by move, I mean leave my apartment. So I am cleaning, prepping, getting stuff done. And then I can finish all of that by five or six usually. And then I just spend the rest of the day and like movies or music or whatever will be on in the background, a of getting all that stuff done. And then I can actually like sit down for the rest of the day and chill out. So like an ideal Sunday. Cause first of all, you always have to clean at some point. And it's also creating a space of peace and tranquility for the rest of the week. Irrespective of whether I'm working or Speaker 0 00:35:25 Hey, my question for today, and this is brought to you by Isaac, because I could not think of one today. He says, if you could speak to any animal species, what species would speak to it? I already know Speaker 1 00:35:38 What it is, but there were listeners don't what would, who would you talk to? You already know my answer. Yes. Oh, I know why, you know my answer or you think, I know why you think, you know my answer. So you think my answers turtles, turtles are so impractical because I don't actually ever get to talk to it. Hurdles. Like I don't seed hurdles often in my life. If I could talk to an animal again, practically speaking, I would talk to spiders. Why? Because they're everywhere. So hopefully I can be friends with the spiders and make sure that they leave me alone. Especially like, if I want to visit Australia where the spiders are as big as your face. If I can be friends with the spiders and get them to leave me alone and protect me, I feel like that's way. Yes. If I could talk to a turtle, that'd be great. But like, no, I've gotta be practical here. I gotta touch them. Spiders. Speaker 0 00:36:28 I mean, I guess that makes sense. I said cats and not even cats, just like specifically this one cat. I'm talking to my sister and my brother-in-law right now. So to go and Carlo for giving away my cat, his name is Kumar. He's living his best life. Now. He was all light. He was a beautiful cat and they gave him away when my second nephew was born. Thanks a lot, Rocky. Um, so that's the only cat that I'd want to speak to. Cause I was like my cat. And the thing is, is that like, we didn't grow up with pets. I don't know why I'm so attached to this cat. I just am. Why didn't you adopt the cat? Cause my mom wouldn't let me, it'd be like that. Anyway. Now that I'm sad about our cat. Wow. Where can people find the podcast? You can find our podcasts. I'm just kidding. You can find her podcast on Instagram and Twitter at the T with crema and you can find us anywhere that you can listen to a podcast. We'll see you next time. Bye Speaker 1 00:37:36 XO, XO gossip, girl.

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