It's Ya Birthday, Ema!

Episode 10 April 10, 2021 00:54:11
It's Ya Birthday, Ema!
The Tea with Krema
It's Ya Birthday, Ema!

Apr 10 2021 | 00:54:11


Hosted By

Ema Alatini Kristofer Smith-Wright

Show Notes

Ema’s birthday is this month and we wanted to celebrate by dedicating an entire episode to learn as much about her as possible. The questions range from hilarious to absolutely serious. Join as we take a deep dive and really get to know one of the cohosts of The Tea with Krema.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:08 Hello everybody. And welcome to the teat with crema. I am one of your hosts. My name is Chris Adam joined by my best friend, Emma. Today, we have a very special episode that we're bringing to you. Not only is it our fancy 10th episode, super exciting. We've been doing this 10 times, Speaker 0 00:00:32 10 times, 10 times, Speaker 1 00:00:34 But it's also Emma's birthday episode, a whole episode, dedicated to Emma getting old, Speaker 0 00:00:43 Older, wiser, wiser, wiser. Speaker 1 00:00:47 Wrinklier wrinklier wrinklier Speaker 0 00:00:52 Fine. Wine, wine, Speaker 1 00:00:54 Or cheese, you know, however you look at it, stinkier the cheese, the better I was at the real phrase. Speaker 0 00:01:01 Well, I don't think so. I want to age like cheese, but I know that that's like a delicacy. So, you know, in France I'm a delicacy, Speaker 1 00:01:09 Some Gouda. Oh my gosh. All right. Well, before we get started, we'd like to check in, see what T's we're drinking today. Do you want to talk about your team? Speaker 0 00:01:23 Shout out to Jeffrey for saying that I don't drink tea enough on the episodes. So today I am drinking tea. It's decaf, peach, ginger tea brought to you by at HGV Mr. Butts, still waiting on you. What are you drinking today, Chris? Wow. Speaker 1 00:01:39 Peach. Ginger sounds really nice. It Speaker 0 00:01:41 It's really fantastic. It smells really good too. I think I like the smell of it more, but the taste is also really good. Speaker 1 00:01:47 I don't know about ginger. It's not my favorite, but the peaches are the nice. Maybe they would balance each other out. I have to check it out. Um, but today I have an organic throat soothing tea, so it doesn't taste really good, but your boy is suffering from allergies. And the two places that I suffer from allergies the most from are my eyes. And then I get an itchy throat. I really itchy eyes, really itchy throat. And it has been an absolute, I hate spring. Hate it cannot stand it. I didn't even have allergies until I was in college, but very quickly realized, like, I don't know how my sister did it growing up. Cause this is, this is not, it there's like two months of the year that I just, no, Speaker 0 00:02:33 Yes. It just feels like you're living in a bubble, you know, just like a bubble. And I don't know what's going on. Just constantly blowing your nose. That's terrible. Anyway. Speaker 1 00:02:41 Mm mm. Well, getting started with our episode, we'll be asking Emma all sorts of questions, things she likes to do on her birthday and also maybe some embarrassing stories from her past. So let's get started. Alma, can you tell us your favoritest birthday memory? Speaker 0 00:03:03 I was like so nervous. Okay. Also I just like have not, all I knew is that this episode was for my birthdays. I don't even know what's going to happen. I'm just answering questions. I don't think I need to tell you all that, but I'm gonna just tell y'all so, um, okay. My favorite birthday memory, is that what you said? Okay. I have so many. Okay. Speaker 1 00:03:23 Hi and tell us all of them. Geez, must be nice. Speaker 0 00:03:26 I love my birthday. It's like my favorite time of the whole. I mean, my mom always made a really big point to like, you know, like give us birthday parties and do all those things. But I think the one that sticks out to me the most is my eighth birthday. Um, I was turning eight years old, which is a really big deal when you're Mormon. That's the year that you get baptized and become like a true member of the church, um, all these different things. And so that year I actually had three birthdays. I had a birthday with my family. I had a birthday celebration for my baptism and a third one. I think it was with my friends as well. But for the one with my family, I had asked my uncles and you know, side note, I love roasted pig from like Tongan roasted pig. Speaker 0 00:04:11 I just, it's one of my favorite Tongan foods. Um, it's basically like they take a whole pig and they roast it. So I was joking around with my uncle and I was like, uncle, like for my birthday, can I get, uh, can I get a pig instead of a cake? And he was like, Oh, okay, sweetie. And on the day of my birthday, you know, I was like, not even expecting anything, just expecting, you know, cake, whatever, like hanging out with my cousins and outcomes. Two pigs, y'all two pigs roasted pigs. Oh my God. I feel like those people who love animals are gonna come after me anyway, come at me bro. But it came in and it had candles in it and it had an eight, like a, like a candle. They had cut out a little piece of the skin so that they could stick in the candle. Obviously it was already roasted and it had an eight in it. And that's like, literally my favorite birthday memory. And I know there's a picture somewhere and I just can't find it. So if I can find it, I will post it on the Instagram. But that is one of my favorite memories, uh, for growing up. So shout out to my uncles for always, you know, doing all the crazy requests that I have, Speaker 1 00:05:11 Bro. That's, that's nice. But I was stressed that whole time. Like they brought out pigs and then you're cutting the skin. Uh, I'm glad you enjoyed your eighth birthday and all three parties like went with that. I don't Speaker 0 00:05:24 Remember the other two, but I just know that there were three that year. Speaker 1 00:05:27 One of them had two pigs, so, Oh my goodness. Next question. More of a general one. So obviously you've had like 87 birthday so far. And so what's your general favorite way to spend your birthdays? Like what's your, your go-to activities who you like to spend it with? Your just general birthday ambiance? Speaker 0 00:05:51 Uh, the birthday vibes are always surrounded by food. For sure. I usually, I think now that I'm thinking about it, like every year I try to go to like my favorite restaurant that year. So there was one year that my sister came in and surprised me. And we went and ate steak. Cause I love steak every year when I was in college, my parents would come and they would take me out to dinner. So they would come up to my school and taking out to dinner and it would usually be of my choice wherever I wanted to go. Yeah. I just like spending it with my family, with my friends. Chris has spent what you've spent, like what, three words days with me now, two birthdays. So, you know, it's like, it's usually spent with like whoever I'm like closest to at that time Speaker 1 00:06:35 In proximity, not shading, any of the best friends, Speaker 0 00:06:38 Just in proximity. So it's like, it's almost like awkward Yasha. I probably should've said that. I was like, not like you are number one on the top eight today. So you get to go to dinner with me. That is your honor. No, I'm just kidding. Yeah. So I just like whoever I'm like living closest to at the time. Yeah. I was just like going out to dinner. That's like my favorite thing to do. And also just like getting my nails done fun, stuff like that. I'm pretty basic on my birthday. Speaker 1 00:06:59 Speaking of things you like to do, if some random person was like, here's a million dollars live your best life, but you only have one day because it's your birthday and this wasn't like, Oh, here's a million dollars. Like get in the van. Like not that kind of 1 million. Like, no, no it's a safe $1 million. How would that go? Like what would be your ideal birthday plan? Like what's going on, you telling people to drop stuff and let's go like, what's Speaker 0 00:07:21 The vibes for the day? Oh, the vibes. First of all. Okay. If someone dropped a million dollars in my lap, first of all, I'm paying off all my loans. All my student loans, aren't getting paid, done, no debt going into my 27th birthday. That's the, that's the vibes after that, then, you know, I'm telling everybody, drop your things, grab your passport. We are going to, I don't know where you can get to in a day. That'll be like lit, but are we like in a panini free world? Speaker 1 00:07:42 Post, post Speaker 0 00:07:44 Panorama. Okay. So post Panorama. Yeah. We out there, we out in San Juan, maybe we doing a little bit of a beach trip. It's a day, you know, everybody just dropping everything and meeting us out there that is what's happening. That's the vibes, you know, like I'd be like, but I'd be like, okay, let's go on that shopping spree. Like let's pick up all that clothes go. I'm a big of all the suitcases I've been eyeing because suitcases are expensive. Y'all so it'd be out there picking up some of those bags, all those things I've been eyeing. All those things on my wishlist are bought, done, Speaker 1 00:08:13 Purchased happy, ordered. Speaking of birthday, spent in a pan Damick can you tell us about your birthday last year? I know like your birthday was like COVID Supreme. Like it was new, it was fresh. Everything was super stressful. Can you tell us what that was like? And then at this point, you know, it's been one year later, people are sharing to get vaccinated. So kind of comparing that to your experience this year with your birthday, it's still pandemic, but it's different Speaker 0 00:08:42 For sure. Yeah, because last year, last year we were just getting shut down. I had just come back from Paris with my mom towards the middle of March. And we had been told you'll be out of school for at least two weeks. So I was thinking, Oh, okay. You know, like we'll be back in school April. Like that's fine. Whatever didn't really have any plans for my birthday. I don't think, I feel like we had been talking about it and we're probably just going to like do something pretty local, like go to Austin or whatever. And then the, you know, the lockdown got longer and longer and longer and it got up close to my birthday and I was like, Oh shoot. Like, this is actually going to happen on my birthday. Like I'm going to be in lockdown on my birthday. And it was fine. Speaker 0 00:09:22 Oh, on my actual birthday, we watched onward that Pixar movie and I went and had steak and Chris wasn't invited cause he's a vegetarian. So I was like, you know what? We'll hang out this weekend because my birthday was on a Wednesday I think. And so I did that. I had a zoom call, like with all my girlfriends from college now called me. Like, it was a whole thing. Like everyone tried really hard to make my birthday special, which was nice because it was like, man, we like logged down. We out here and just like airy season, but lockdown. And then that weekend you had come over and we went to, we did like all my favorite foods. I think we went to spiral. We did the bakery with the cookies. Great harvest. Do you not remember? I'm looking at you not remembering this is awkward. Speaker 1 00:10:04 I don't remember any of this because also how did we do any of that? How would you go, Speaker 0 00:10:08 Hey Carlos, I know I didn't go to a steakhouse. We went in curbside. It was on curbside was like still really big. So we curbside did that. Then we curb sided spiral, which is like our favorite vegetarian. It's my favorite vegetarian rush. I'm not going to be for Christmas. My favorite vegetarian restaurant in Fort worth, not to like, Oh, sorry. Yeah. Does vegan. It's my favorite vegan place. And I just really liked their nacho cheese. That's not nacho cheese. Yeah. We got that. And we went to a bakery and like you brought everything over. And we spent like the whole day together. Oh, you know what? That's what I tried. That's what I attempted to make masks. Our first prototype of the mask that looks like underwear. Speaker 1 00:10:48 This looks like I read it. Somebody is panning Trump. Speaker 0 00:10:54 Christopher was wearing panties on his face for the first, for the first couple of weeks. Speaker 1 00:11:00 And it was like bright blue, still terrible. Speaker 0 00:11:06 I just didn't know. Okay. First of all, be grateful. Ungrateful looking over there. Anyway, I got much better. I'm asking, making, we figured it out later Speaker 1 00:11:14 Was straight up. Just fabric on you. Speaker 0 00:11:17 It got the job done. It was a literal square of fabric. Do you remember? And it had two loops for the masks. Oh my goodness. So Chris was walking around with that for, for a hot second. Um, but I got much better at mask making. And so I think that's all that happened. Like I was like, Oh, you know what? I had also worked out on my birthday. I created my own birthday wide, uh, Isaac and I had done it and I was just like, yeah, it sucked. But it was so nice to have Isaac home. And then that's when I had said that I had accidentally caused the pandemic because I manifested it. I kept saying like, Oh, I wish I could spend more time with Isaac. Like I wish I could more time with Isaac. Cause he's at school right now. And then we shut down and I was like, Oh no, I think, I think I wish this for us. Speaker 0 00:12:00 So my bad, everybody knows my bed. So yeah. So then we just hung out. It was really nice. Like it was, it was nice because we had to, we had to be creative. Right? Like my family had to like zoom in and it was a whole thing. Um, I was also working in doing my second job teaching at night. So I was also working that night. The feelings around it were still bad. Yeah. They were still good. Like it was sad, but it was good. Like it was, it was going to be what was going to normally happen. We were just going to be at the restaurant instead of at home. So it was not like I was really truly missing out on anything this year, going into my birthday, I'm vaccinated and so excited. I am grateful that, you know, we've had jobs this whole time. Speaker 0 00:12:42 I'm grateful that we have had the opportunity to become vaccinated. Like, so there's so much to be grateful for this year and 27. Like it's kinda like a weird year, like 27. It's not 25. It's not 30. Like it's just midway. So, you know, it's just one of those weird years, but I'm feeling good going into it. It's again, like we've talked about it before. It's a transition year. It is what it is transitioning into whatever that means. So I'm, I'm excited for this upcoming year and I'm excited to see what comes out of it. So Speaker 1 00:13:14 That's it. Well, those are all the questions that I have for you. So that was fast. I know. I just wanted to keep it simple. Keep it like a bit airy cue, you know, because I'm really excited to hear the rest of these stories. Honestly, some of them have to do with past birthdays. Some of them are just random stories from your life. So I'm excited. Are you ready? Are you, Speaker 0 00:13:39 Oh, what's the rules? What do I just like tell the rest of the story or Speaker 1 00:13:43 The rules are, I'm just gonna give like a general vague outline because I also like when asking people for these questions, I didn't want them to give too much away. These are all new stories to me. So I really only have a few key words. I can't clarify much. So hopefully you remember all of these stories. Cause also if you don't like, it's going to be really awkward. We'll just be looking at each other. So I can, if you don't like, if you're, if the context isn't enough, I can give you. Yeah. I can tell you, Speaker 0 00:14:15 This is like the worst game of word association. Speaker 1 00:14:19 You know, it's basically going to be that, but you said your memory is good. So we to see, all right, are you ready Speaker 0 00:14:27 To take a big sip of tea? I'm ready. Speaker 1 00:14:30 All right. So these are, I don't think they're in chronological order because I could not have put them in chronological order, but I believe they range from, I want to say the earliest question that I got was like from fifth grade up to college. So we have a range. We have some stories. I hope you're ready. So one, the first questions that I got back was I believe you can confirm this. Has Sukkot ever been in like a Macy's parade of some sort, Speaker 0 00:15:01 She was in the Thanksgiving parade that they do in New York every year. The Macy's parade. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:15:08 Did you make your mom miss it? Well, Speaker 0 00:15:10 You're where you go. Um, so, okay. Speaker 1 00:15:13 No, I was really hoping that was an exaggeration. Oh no. Speaker 0 00:15:18 Okay. So, uh, yeah, I guess here's a story. Um, my sister was, I think in ninth grade at the time I was in second grade and she was in band and so every other year for Benton, I actually might've been every year for band. They went on a trip. And so that year, her school had auditioned and got into the Macy's day parade. It's a really big deal. Obviously. It's the Macy's day parade. Um, it's during Thanksgiving, it was also a really intense year too, because I was right after nine 11 happened. So it was 2001, right after nine 11, like we had gone to ground zero. Everything was not even cleaned up yet. Like they were still recovering from that aftermath. Um, so again, I'm seven years old and my sister is 14 years old and we were staying at a hotel that was about, I want to say it was really close. Speaker 0 00:16:07 It was walkable. And so everyone, like all the parents and everyone who was staying at the hotel, they had all agreed. Like we're going to wake up really early to go and get a spot. Cause that's like, the hardest thing is finding a spot. And so my mom and I went and got breakfast and we were walking out to meet the other people who were there and we found a spot. Like they were like, Oh, it's going to like, come pass here. So like, we're just going to stay here. And we're like, okay, cool. That's the vibe about 30 minutes. I want to say 30 minutes before it started. Actually. No, it might've already started. And I think I saw the beginning of it. I had to pee and I was like, mom, I have to pee. And she was like, hold it. And I was like, I can't. Speaker 0 00:16:40 And she was like, you need to hold it. And I was like, I cannot hold it mom. Like I got to go. So my mom literally told me like pee pee. And I was like, I can't mom, it's not a toilet. So we turn around and thankfully behind us was an old Navy. So I run into the old Navy P all this stuff. But because again, it's New York, it's Thanksgiving day, the most busy part, I want to say, you know, for tourists and whatever, super compacted, all this stuff walk out from the old Navy, couldn't see a thing we couldn't even get back. Couldn't even like, try to fight back to get into it. So my mom was like, she was pretty upset. We just walked back to the hotel and watched the parade on the hood, on the TV. So we didn't actually get to see the Macy's day parade. We saw the beginning part. I think we saw Snoopy who goes through and yeah, accidentally made my mom miss my sister's big performance. But if you ask my sister, ask her if she actually played the anything, because she says that when she was in band and during the parades, she would literally just like walk around with her saxophone and like look around at all the sites instead of actually doing the thing. So really did we miss anything? No. Speaker 1 00:17:46 I was really hoping that like, Oh no, am I'm playing TV and we missed the DV moment. Speaker 0 00:17:51 No, we missed the actual parade. Speaker 1 00:17:53 Oh no. And y'all were living in Hawaii at this time. Right? Speaker 0 00:17:57 Also. So that was like, it was already a hell of a long journey to get there. We had to like stop in California from California to New York. It was a whole thing. Speaker 1 00:18:06 Yeah. Wow. I haven't been back to New York. I did not know when they, when they said, Oh, y'all missed it. And it was his fault. I didn't know. It was like, Oh, y'all missed it. Missed it. Speaker 0 00:18:19 No like Mr. Mr. Like, it was not even acute MIS like that was my bed. Sorry, mom, I'll take you back one time. Maybe Baki will be in the band and we can go watch it. Speaker 1 00:18:28 I don't know. Oh my goodness. Wow. Well, thanks Emma. For that story. Wow. That was funnier than I thought it was going to be, honestly, truly. Are you ready for the next question? I guess. So have you ever, ever, ever been in a play like as an actress? I was in many plays. Oh my God. Can you tell me about the time that you were a tree in a plane? Speaker 0 00:18:51 It was a tree in a play. Is this what I'm Sam? Speaker 1 00:18:54 No, this is from Isaac. I was a witch, not a tree. He said he wasn't super sure. What role you had. I don't know why he would remember you as a tree. Speaker 0 00:19:04 I think it did make me look like a tree. I was one of the three witches in Macbeth. Um, and so every year we had a, every year, no, actually this was the first year and it was called the Shakespeare. Um, it was like a Shakespeare symposium. So basically all the honors English classes put on this thing, we would perform for our classes. And then the teachers would pick the best ones. And then we would perform for the whole school. It was like a whole night. And then they had judges who voted on, who was the best. And so that year was my 11th grade year and we were chosen, I was one of the three witches and I think, and it was also, it had to be done in a musical form. So it had to be done in a musical form. Um, it was myself and four of my really good friends and we like killed it. Like our first song that we had done was, um, I can't wait to be, I just can't wait to be King from Hawaii to be a King from lion King. And then we did a dance, but it was to that song. I don't know if you've ever watched Harry Potter where it's like double, double toil and trouble by, you know, that whole thing. But we wrapped in it. Speaker 1 00:20:11 What does this have to do with Macbeth? I am so confused by the context, Speaker 0 00:20:16 It seems like specific scenes from the book or from the play and then perform it, but perform it to like a musical. So like there was one group and it's actually funny cause it was my roommate from college. Cause we were, we went to high school together. They did a song from beauty and the beast and they thought they killed it. Like they came in, they were like, man, we killed that. They thought it was done. It, our group went up and we've wrapped and kills it. Like we knocked it out of the park. We rhyme sovereignty. We did sovereignty in this song. Like I wrote the whole rap. It was like a whole thing. I was the first, which I could probably still it honestly, Speaker 1 00:20:48 You know, about to have that Kevin G moment over here Speaker 0 00:20:52 Anyway. And so, yeah, so that's what happened. I was a witch, not a tree just by the way. I ended up going to the school symposium thing for Shakespeare and then we ended up killing it and we won. So we won that year for our 11th grade year. Did it again for our 12th grade year. But it was too, what's the one with Ophelia, which is the one that lion King is based off Hamlet. Hamlet. Yeah. So that year we ended up doing Hamlet and we did it. It had to be to like a certain, you have to pick like a genre and it had to be like a TV show. So we picked that seventies show. It was a whole thing. So then that year we chose the same group again. And honestly we should have won, but we didn't get picked to go to the symposium because they said it was inappropriate because we chose that seventies show. Speaker 1 00:21:32 There's like a whole section where they just sit around. So Speaker 0 00:21:36 The tune that we did it too, we did it too. We did it to like the theme of the whole sitting around and there was smoke and everything. It was a whole thing. It was a vibe. That's Speaker 1 00:21:42 Why I didn't go. And anyway, Speaker 0 00:21:44 It was a great video. I thought we did very good on that. So yeah. So then our senior year we didn't get picked and it was fine. We were we're sad, but it was okay. Speaker 1 00:21:53 Okay. So I'd like two things that kind of like overlap. So I want to clarify too two facts. See if you remember them, at what point in your school career were you in? I guess the, the choir, the chorus. I don't know if they call it Hawaii. Speaker 0 00:22:05 Oh, the choir third through sixth grade. Speaker 1 00:22:08 Okay. So during this like third through sixth grade, I'm assuming y'all took trips to places and stuff. Speaker 0 00:22:13 So every year we took a trip, it was either to inner Island, but there was one year throughout that third through six that you went on a mainland trip. So we came to Washington and California. Speaker 1 00:22:24 Very nice. Very nice. Okay. During the duration of you being in the choir, the chorus, whatever, did you also have like this special pillow of some sort, like a very nice special pillow? Speaker 0 00:22:35 Oh my God. I know exactly the story sounds bringing up. Yes. Okay. What about it? Speaker 1 00:22:39 One question is like, do you still have this pillow? Oh my God, you still have the pillow. What is the pillow Speaker 0 00:22:45 Pink pillow? It's actually, um, not the pillow. Oh my gosh. Carly's on is also about the pillow. Isn't it? Speaker 1 00:22:51 I knew it. I guess the same question about the same incident. So I'm curious about what is this pillow and then, you know, what did you do? Because someone got hurt over this pillow. Speaker 0 00:23:03 Here we go. Mama Leona getting hurt again. She stayed taking the ball for me. Speaker 2 00:23:08 That's my mom. You've been holding it down because she had a literal phone, Speaker 0 00:23:12 Uh, literal fall. Um, and my mom actually doesn't remember it. So that's really, that's the funny part. So I have a pillow. My aunt made it for me when I was born. She made eight pillow cases. They were not the cutest pillowcases. I don't know why it took a liking to them, but around the border is lace. And honestly they were not cute. So the thing is, is that with this fabric, it was also really thin. So it would break. And so my mom was really strategic about the way she would like deploy the other pillows. Like she would like sew them up until they were falling apart. Like they had to be dead in order for her to bring in another pillowcase. And so when I was younger and we would go on trips, she would just pack this pillow case and then put it around a hotel pillow. Speaker 0 00:23:55 And that was like my pillow, whatever, as I got older, I started traveling with it. And so like, I even took it with me to Europe. That first time I went to Europe, I used to take it with me everywhere. And then I realized how unsanitary it was to be like sleeping on it in the plane. And like all the things, like it was a whole thing. So I have this pill and I think it was either the fifth or sixth grade. I can't remember. Oh, it had to be because Sam and I didn't become friends until fourth grade. So fifth or sixth grade, we were on a trip and we had brought everything down because we have to be at the bus by a certain time. And we were leaving that hotel to either go to the airport or go to our next hotel and we get on the bus and you know, like me being dumb and like not paying attention to all my stuff. Speaker 0 00:24:33 My mom always said too. She's like, if you forget anything, that's your fault. Like we can't go back. Like, and I was like, okay. Yeah, yeah. And I was like, not paying attention, had my backpack with me, had everything. And I sit down and I realized I don't have my pillow. And I'm like, mom, mom, I forgot my pillow. And my mom, like, God bless her because she did not keep up her. End of the deal of you going leave that pillow, like, sorry it's done. It's a wrap, goes back upstairs and runs to get my pillow and on her way back down Springs, her ankle because she's trying not to miss the bus. So I still have the pillow with me. It's actually covered with another pillow because it is broken, like falling apart. Also side note about this pillow when I started dating Isaac, I don't know how it got brought up, but he was talking about something and he's like, it's kind of embarrassing, but I like still sleep with my baby pillow. Speaker 0 00:25:22 And I was like, Hmm, this is it. You are my soulmate. Like I have found you, I also have a pillow. He's like, no, you don't. No, you don't. And I was like, yeah, yeah, I do. I have a pillow. And he's like, stop playing with me. And I was like, no, I really got a pillow. So that's how we like really knew that we were like soulmates and all this stuff. And then on top of that in middle school, and it's probably like part of her thing too. I don't know Carly, who is my best friend from middle school. I think I was sleeping over at her house. And she had a, she had a baby blanket and I had a pillow. So we were pillow blanket sisters. And so her blanket was called bird. Cause I think it had a Tweety bird on it and I had this pillow. So we were pillow blankets. Speaker 1 00:26:01 She definitely brought up this pillow and to see if you still had this pillow, does Isaac still have his Speaker 0 00:26:07 So Isaac's pillow had to go into commission? Um, his was also just like his, I think his, his mom made it for him. And just over time, his was like an actual pillow. Mine is a pillow case. The pillow case is a significant thing to me. His is like the actual pillow. Like his mom had like sewn the pillow, all this things. If you know anything about the insides of pillows over time, they're not good. And so he started to feel like really hard. Like it was like rocks were inside of it. And so he's like, I'm going to deconstruct it and restuff it. And we were like, okay, like go for it. And so he was finally like, maybe I should get of it. And I think it's still in our closet. Honestly. I actually don't know where Cole. And so his, his pillow is called cold friend because it's always cold. It was like, it was, it was like a type of material that kind of like retain cold. And so they called it cold friend. And so like all his siblings call it cold friend. I actually don't know where cold friend is. I should probably go look for him. Speaker 1 00:27:03 Oh, wow. How far be I'll have these little attachments and things. Blankets and pillows and whatnot. How fun. So the, that was about four questions. Oh, there's another one. So another question she said, speaking of like steak and your birthday, I think she said that there was a time there. I went to a steak house photo to chow and I would assume California, can you, can you, can you tell them about that time in college that you went to for go to chow in California? Speaker 0 00:27:40 Okay. So also, if anyone knows what full go to chow is it's a Brazilian stakeout or it's a Brazilian barbecue. And so it's really expensive. Sam was visiting me during spring break because she was looking to go to school in California. So she stayed with me for a week and like, she was like, let's go to Fogo de Chao. I was like, girl, I don't know if I'll go to child money. Like it's $50 per person. It's an expensive place to go. Like even now would still have to like, think about if I really wanted to go to this place. So she was like, no, it's okay. Like my dad said, it's fine. Like, it'll be your birthday present. And I was like, okay, fine. So we go and like the way that it's set up, there's meat on the stick. That's like coming around everywhere. Speaker 0 00:28:14 Like everyone, every server has a meat. There's like sides and all this stuff. So you can go and get sides. And so I didn't pace myself correctly. And I picked up too many sides and not enough meat. And so we're like going through the meal and I had also eaten earlier that day and Sam was like, don't eat. And I was like, no, I need to eat. Because if I don't eat, I'm going to get really full, really fast. And she was okay, fine. Whatever. She didn't eat the whole time. Also Sam can put it away. Like she can for a small girl, she can put it away. And I'm like, I don't know where all that food goes, like what is going on? So we go there and like probably yeah, 30 minutes and 45 minutes. And I'm like, Sam, I can't do it. Speaker 0 00:28:46 I feel so sick. And she's like, no, you're fine. You're fine. I was like, Sam, like I literally am going to die. And she was like, you're fine. So I get up, go to the bathroom. Oh, trigger warning. Also I throw up because I am so sick to my stomach. My stomach is hard. I'm like having meat sweats. If you eat a lot of meat, you probably know what meat sweats field like am dying. Like, I am like, like crying and I'm like, Sam, please don't make me eat anymore. And she's like how we came here with purpose and I was like, you're right. So I like go to the bathroom cause I'm like, let me go like wiped out my face or something. End up throwing up, like threw up the entire meal, come out and like a champion. I keep eating Speaker 1 00:29:25 What in the hunger games is Speaker 0 00:29:27 Don't ever go anywhere with Sam. That is what I'm trying to say because she will pressure you also, it was a $50 meals. So yeah, I was going to make do, and I was like, you know what? F these asparagus, I don't know why I spent so much food space on them. You know, whatever. And now I can't believe. I just told the world that I purged also like that's, you know, that's like a real issue. So I also don't want to make light Speaker 1 00:29:45 Of that also was an accident. It Speaker 0 00:29:47 Was an accident. I did go to like wipe down my, my brows from the meat, sweat and ended up throwing up. Speaker 1 00:29:54 I don't think I've ever had experience. Oh my gosh. Even before I was a visionary and I just didn't eat meat like that. Wow. Speaker 0 00:30:01 Oh God Sam. But yeah. So, Oh Speaker 1 00:30:05 No. Oh, wow. That must be nice. What an experience? Speaker 0 00:30:10 What an experience. I have gone back to Brazilian barbecue after, and now I know better. And how to pace myself. More meat. Less sites. Yeah, exactly. Speaker 1 00:30:18 Oh my God. It is expensive. That was one of the things I want us to do before I became a vegetarian. But yeah, they're a little price tag to get into the door. Just, it just never happened. Speaker 0 00:30:27 Well, now if you go to, I think it's called Texas de Brazil during the weekdays. If you have your teacher ID, you get a discount, but only for lunch. So you can go and eat there for like $30 instead of however much it normally is. Speaker 1 00:30:42 So everyone who still eats meat, that's not me go for it. Speaker 0 00:30:45 But when we do go to Brazil, we gone, we gone go to some Barbara. Cool. Speaker 1 00:30:50 You know, I have to like change my lifestyle for a few months, just for a few months. Oh my gosh. Okay. Okay. Okay. Moving to the next question. I'm gonna save your sisters for last. I think they're going to be the funniest. Um, so now just like cutesy stories. So she wanted me to ask you about what it's like being the fun aunt, the Funt to Rocky and tobacco. Speaker 0 00:31:11 And if you like know, now she says like ONC, like she's supposed to U N T. Why? Why, why, why, why, why? Why is that? Is that sounds like now I'm also not the fun, odd, funny story is that tobacco actually thinks I'm the most boring person on the planet. And he continues to tell me all the time to he's my older nephew for my sister. I only have two nephews three on the way, but tavakkoli, and I, he was probably five or six and I was babysitting him. And so my sister scares me more than Novaka does. And so whenever my sister gives me a mandate or rules, I follow them. And whenever he comes to my dad's house, cause it's usually when I'm at my dad's house that I see when we would like watch hockey and whatever, my dad is the fun parka. Speaker 0 00:31:53 That's what they call my dad. And so he like will let my nephew do whatever he wants. And so my sister was like, he needs to do X, Y, Z thing. So I was like tobacco. It's time to take a bath. And he's like, no, I don't want to pack a set. I don't have to. And I was like, you have to take a bath, you smell. And he was like, no, I'm not going to do that. And I was like, tobacco, get in the bathtub right now. And he looks at me and he goes and slams a door in my face, like a little Elliot again, he's five. I don't know why I engage in like arguments with him. I do it all the time though. And I fall for it every single time. Even though I know like you're 16 years younger than me. Speaker 0 00:32:33 I know things, not all the things, but I know a lot of things. So I'm actually not the fun, but I do try to be the fun aunt. And I try to be like, okay, let's go do these fun things. And I think in his head, I'm still the boring auntie and it's fine. It's whatever Rocky is also like a little mini me. He's an Aries as well. So he just kind of just does not give a F about your feelings. Don't care, who you are will not, can not tell him anything. So it's been fun. It's fun being an aunt. I love it. It's, it's nice being able to return children who don't belong to you. Speaker 1 00:33:07 When I tell you, I only seen her babysit once. And I was like, who? Let this woman maybe set these children is that, that you needed, Speaker 0 00:33:14 I needed a nap. Rocky needed an ad. Oh my God, bro. I said, like I said, we're both Aries. We go and do whatever we want. I said, I needed a nap. So I sat down and I took a nap. Rocky's that he did not need a nap. So I said, good, don't take a nap then I don't care. Speaker 1 00:33:30 Mind you Rocky screaming at the top of his lungs. So like, and I sleep through it. She was like, I'm done. Like, it's going to be what it is. And then Isaac's trying. And I'm just like, this is too much. I just want to watch the great British baking show. Speaker 0 00:33:43 Great. British bake off. Ready? Set. Bake. Yeah. It is what it is, you know, Rocky and I have, I think we also just have, because we're both areas just have very dominant personalities. I butt heads a lot. So I be getting into it with him too. So it is, Speaker 1 00:34:00 He'd be like that. My next two questions come from your sister. One of which apparently you got her in trouble. So can you tell me about a time that you were trying to cook for yourself with your cousin? I don't know who this cousin is, but y'all were trying to be independent. And you got your sister in trouble. Tell me more about cooking with your cousin Speaker 0 00:34:16 In dependent women. Um, so my cousin, my cousin, Sid is two years younger than me. And so I always, like, she was kind of more of like the, even like the leader, but it was kind of like, I would like follow whatever she would do, but she would also like listen to whatever I would do too. And so I was like, one time we were both hungry and my mom used to just like, let us cook because we didn't cook anything like major. We just wanted to spam. And so I was like, okay, yeah, that's cook spam. And so she was like, okay, yeah, let's cook spam. And I was like, I don't want to like slice it. I want to like slice it really small. She was like, okay. So I like slice it up really small where like getting ready. I put the pan, not knowing that you're supposed to take off like the burner covers. Speaker 0 00:34:57 And so my mom had burner covers. So like, if you have an electric stove, like you can put burner covers on them so that they don't get dirty. I thought you could cook on the burner. Covers, put the thing on. And I'm like, wow. It's like taking a really long time. Like when my mom makes spam, like when I usually make spam, it doesn't take this long. And so it's like, yeah, you're right. So we're just kind of like looking at it, whatever it's on full high heat. The thing is like full. Hi, my sister's supposed to be babysitting us because my mom had to go somewhere and she, my mom comes in and she's like, it's something is burning. And I was like, Oh, well, we're making spam. And she's like, does no one smell that burning? And she's like, that's okay. So my sister comes out and she's like, yeah, my sister is a teenager at this point. Speaker 0 00:35:40 She does not want to babysit her sister and her cousin like this on the last part of her priority list. What are you doing? Letting them cook. And she's like, they're cooking spam anyway, burnt this spam, this, this pot cover, like through burnt. It completely is like smoking in the house. Like the house probably would have burnt down. Honestly, if we hadn't had caught it because it's flammable as well. And so my mom is like pissed. She's like yelling at my sister and she's like, what's up my fall. She's so stupid. And if y'all know me, I'm sensitive. Okay. I got big feelings. And so I look at my sister like what? And just go away and I run off and I'm crying. And I'm like, I've been asked to help that just also childhood trauma therapy. One-on-one so yeah, that happened. I accidentally got her in trouble. She should have been watching us though. Like, I think I was probably like nine what's, a nine and a seven year old decided to cook. She said, Joe, stupid, stupid. I still remember to this day, my feelings I am saying, Speaker 1 00:36:44 Oh, so the last, the last question I have comes with the script. So I'd say just like this and I hope you get it. So are you ready? So Emma, tell me about the laundry soap incident. Speaker 0 00:37:00 Why don't you just bring my sister on the show? You know, at this point, Speaker 1 00:37:03 At this point she scripted that one out. Speaker 0 00:37:08 Want to talk about the laundry soap incident? Some reason why I'm stupid. Apparently according to her, Speaker 1 00:37:15 This one's going to be a good one. Speaker 0 00:37:16 Oh my gosh. Okay. I don't want people to think. I have like a problem Speaker 1 00:37:22 On this question. Speaker 0 00:37:23 Okay. Y'all so I don't know if you remember and I, they probably still sell it, but soap comes in powder. Like laundry soap comes in powdered form. Correct? Our laundry area was behind, behind our house, like it was outside. And so I love the smell of laundry soap to this day. Still love the smell, but my parents used to buy the crisp, like the powder form. And so, so like I used to like stay my head. I used to stick my head in there and like spell it, like stick my head in there. Cause it smells so good. Okay. That is what it is. That's the, to me, it smelled really good. I really liked the smell of it. Okay. I don't know what the smell was. Probably just like clean linen, something like that. One time I get the bright idea I'm playing in our backyard and I'm like, Oh my God. Speaker 0 00:38:15 Instead of having to go smell it from the thing, why don't I just take the scooper and smell it from that? So I take the scooper. I have it like on whatever I'm playing around, go with, smell it whenever I wanted to. And I put it to my nose too close as out, like, usually if it's in the box, like I can't reach the powder. Like I can just smell the powder right this time. Now it's in cup. So it's really close. And so I like stick my nose to it. And I sniff in not realizing that it's going to go up my nostrils and the powder goes into my nose and I started screaming. I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. I run into the house and my sister, like what? The app is wrong with you having a full on exorcism because my brain is on fire. And she's like, Oh, what's wrong with you? I was like smelling the soap. So anyway, I'm losing a couple of brain cells will probably never be able to do cocaine because if I couldn't do that with just also not, we'll probably never, we'll never, we'll never do cocaine because that's the one you snort. Right? It's not the one you snoring because if it burnt just doing it from laundry soap, I can only imagine what it feels like with actual drugs. Oh, Speaker 1 00:39:39 Well, where are your Speaker 0 00:39:41 Parents? Speaker 1 00:39:44 Like your sister's babysitting. Speaker 0 00:39:48 Why do you think I babysit her kids? Like how she babysat me. I don't have no good role models for babysitting. Speaker 1 00:39:55 She said, well, how did you do it? She just lets you like, sit there and suffer through the powder. Speaker 0 00:40:00 Actually. You know what? I think my parents were home because my mom was like, what the ass? And they maybe like try and go and take a shower to like relieve, I think. And they're like, but I was like sticking the water up my nose and bells hurting even more. And I was like, I was basically having a wash cycle in my brain. National's got clients. Like I was cleansed. Like I can still remember the burn to this day. It was like a burning sensation all over Speaker 1 00:40:23 My face. Just burning Speaker 0 00:40:26 From Thai. So at tide, you owe me for this. Speaker 1 00:40:30 Oh my God. You sound like one of them kids that did the tide pod. Speaker 0 00:40:33 I did not eat it. I just snorted it. That's why it's just stupid. That's why I was called stupid. I'm not stupid. Y'all just dumb. What kind of adventure was this? This was a terrible adventure. Speaker 1 00:40:46 I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Speaker 0 00:40:50 How did Isaac pick that one story? I'm so confused. Did you ask them like tell me an embarrassing time? Speaker 1 00:40:55 No, I didn't put any context on anything. I was just like, Hey, we're having a birthday episode for Emma. If there's some questions or some stories that you think she should tell us, let me know. Like don't tell me the story. Just like, give me some prompts to ask the questions. And like, this is, this is what everyone came up. I think now's was like the nicest one. Like the least embarrassing, like just like, Oh my gosh, you're the fun that, Speaker 0 00:41:18 So she goes now and I have stories. Like we got stories. I'm surprised she didn't bring up any of it, but it's probably because they're incriminating to both of us. So we probably shouldn't be telling them on the air for anyone. Speaker 1 00:41:29 Yeah. Cause she definitely, she didn't bring up any individual stories. She was just like, just have her tell you about undergrad stories. Like Speaker 0 00:41:34 We were crazy and undergrad. We had so Speaker 1 00:41:37 Save that for when she comes on the show. Speaker 0 00:41:40 Oh, that's a good one. Yeah. Cause she tells stories way better than I do too. So you'll go on an adventure. Speaker 1 00:41:47 I'm a cry. I cried today. This is too much. I can't believe you snorted. So I didn't think that was where that was going. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't think that's where any of these were going on. Speaker 0 00:41:57 I think that would have been fun or it had you like thought had you told me the prompt and then told me what you thought it was going to be? Speaker 1 00:42:02 Oh aye. Yo, I wouldn't have got any of these right at all. I don't know what this is. Why you had all the medical bills. Speaker 0 00:42:13 I made sure that insurance was used whale y'all was in the hospital all the time. I remember one time actually that I had gone to the hospital and I was also really accident prone. So I was like jumping back and forth on something. Or this is, I had two jumping stories, but this is one of them where I had no, actually I was running out of the house and I slipped on a bicycle helmet. And in my dad's office, it was completely concrete because his office was connected to our house, smacked my face. Didn't even like catch myself, hit my face forward on the thing. My mom's like, Oh my God. And so half of my face is literally bruised and we go to the hospital and they were like, Oh, this is like the second time in however long, like that's a red flag for medical professionals. Speaker 0 00:42:52 And so they like, they're like, can you explain to us what happened? And obviously when you're like seven you're like, yes, I was running. And then I slipped on a bike helmet and I hit my face on the thing that does not sound like a plausible story. When I had just been in the hospital for something else recently, I think it was probably for one of my broken ailments. And so my mom left the room to go get me something they're like, are you okay? And I was like, yeah. And they were like, does your mom hit you? And I was like, Nope, but my dad sometimes does. Speaker 1 00:43:17 Uh, Speaker 0 00:43:20 So lucky CPS did not take me home. They're like, wait, can you tell me more? Nice. So what happened to your face? Yeah, I just told you I was running and then I slipped and I fell and there were like, no, like what really happened? I was like, I was running fast. I said start a bike helmet. Yeah. Anyway, CPS did not take me away. Y'all Speaker 1 00:43:43 Do you not know why you were like the, his cheese? Okay. Well those are all the questions and stories that I have for you to day. Speaker 0 00:43:52 Oh. So now we move into our favorite segment of the day. Speaker 1 00:43:57 Rapid fire question. Speaker 0 00:44:02 I was confused where you, okay. Let's try that again. You start, go rapid with Speaker 1 00:44:06 Our, Speaker 0 00:44:09 Do the part where you say, okay, I just do my Speaker 1 00:44:13 Thing and I'll just say fire, and then you just take it away. Speaker 0 00:44:15 Okay. With our rapid Speaker 1 00:44:17 Fire questions. Speaker 0 00:44:24 Okay. We really need to learn how to add sound effects to our audio because it's getting exhausting being our only audio. Okay. So for my rapid fire question, and I'll ask a question because I feel like I was talking to this entire episode, so I will go first and it's a birthday themed. And so I'm going to ask you, what is your favorite birthday food? Do you have a favorite birthday food? Like a favorite celebratory food Speaker 1 00:44:49 Food that I eat to celebrate my life? Yes. No. I don't think I'd do anything super different other than cake. And I, I try to do different kinds of cakes. So I've had dinosaur shaped cakes and ice cream cakes and jeez cakes and homemade cakes and Starbucks cakes and all sorts of cakes. Speaker 0 00:45:12 What was your favorite cake to date? Speaker 1 00:45:14 My mom made a dinosaur shaped cake. So like, obviously I don't know how she did it. It was a miracle, but she did it. And so like first I don't remember what it tasted like, but like aesthetically and like memorably best cake ever, right. Ice cream cake is surprisingly trash. Speaker 0 00:45:29 I hate it. It's the cake gets cold. The ice cream is really hot. It's really hard. Speaker 1 00:45:35 Then they get squishy. It just, I get it. I understand it. It just doesn't work. Speaker 1 00:45:43 It just doesn't work out. I don't, I'm trying to think like if there's like a place that has like a cake that I'm like, if I'm really going to go and get a cake, this is the place I'm going to go get it from. I mean, it's probably going to be HEB. Honestly. I love a good HEB, anything, but they have a red velvet cheesecake that I really want to aspire how to learn and it's all slice and it looks very much like the, I didn't realize it's very similar to the ones to have a cheesecake factory. I don't know which came first here, but shout out to the ATB brand version. That's the one I go for that is way cheaper than cheesecake factory. I'm just saying I'm gonna learn how to make it myself. But what about you, your favorite birthday food dish celebratory meal. Speaker 0 00:46:25 Oh, I thought I had answered that earlier, but I didn't. I realized now, um, my favorite birthday food is also cake and it's usually going back and forth between carrot cake and red velvet cake this year. I want to try also carrot cake is a cake. Stop it this year. I want to try from milk bar, but it's also really expensive. So that might have to be a 28 a year, 28 cake. What is milk bar? It's uh, Christina <inaudible> who is on hell's kitchen sometime she's Speaker 1 00:46:55 On, she have like a place here in Fort worth. I'm confused. Speaker 0 00:46:57 No. So she has a bakery and she ships it from New York and everyone that I've heard that does it, like they say it's, it's like really good. So that's like the cake I aspire to do, but it's kind of expensive. So I will wait Speaker 1 00:47:08 Like to me, like it's expensive to make or Speaker 0 00:47:11 It's already pre it's pre-made and it gets shipped Speaker 1 00:47:13 To you. How much is it? $50 for a six inch? I think like a square circle. $50. What do you do? Like transcend this plane of existence? Like what is this? Speaker 0 00:47:27 I think it's because of the shipping. That's the thing that's really. And you just go to New York and get it then. I don't know. Also New York and I R dot Fred's if you recall, Speaker 1 00:47:37 That's just because you don't know how to use the restroom properly. They don't know how to hold my bladder apparently. Speaker 0 00:47:44 Okay. What's your question? Speaker 1 00:47:46 My question is, I don't know. Do I want to go with a birthday? Really? No. I've been asking birthday questions the whole episode. So my question is not to birthday related, but if you were to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be Speaker 0 00:47:58 Tomorrow? I have to get it. Speaker 1 00:48:00 If you were to get a tattoo tomorrow, tomorrow, Speaker 0 00:48:05 Tomorrow, tomorrow is Monday and it's a day off. That'd be the perfect time to get a tattoo, honestly, sorry, off track. If I were to get a tattoo, I have been like going back and forth, but I really do want a tribal, like an actual, authentic tribal with a Tongan tribal. And you know, like maybe with my family's crest or something, that's representative of my family. And I've wanted one that's like behind my ear or on my wrist or I'm not even going to say where the next part. I also wanted one like, like almost like side, but I feel like that's disrespectful. So I would not do that, but I've seen some really nice ones. So that is what I would get. What would you get Speaker 1 00:48:48 Personally? Really small. I don't really, even the idea of a tattoo just seems really painful. A prolonged pain. It's not really my vibe. So I guess if I was going to get one, it'd be like a really tiny Churchill turtle, probably somewhere. I don't know. Some are like very easy. I have to hide it. Cause like, what if they're like, okay, great. You draw like the turtle that you want. And like, I schedule my own turtle. It's a child's turtle. People are like, what is that? Why did you draw a poopy on yourself? First of all, it's a title, rude, rude. And anyway, I'm like, gosh, all right, Emma, where can people find the pod? Speaker 0 00:49:26 You can find us on Twitter and Instagram at the T with crema. You can also find us anywhere that you can stream podcasts. Also, if you have any feedback or would like to leave some comments, you can leave it on our Instagram. Under the comments of our most recent episode. We hope to hear back from you. We'll see you next time. Bye. Hello? Speaker 1 00:50:04 I bet you're wondering what's crystal doing on the episode. The ending music has already played what's going on here. Wow. I'll tell you in honor of Amma's wonderful, amazing, awesome birthday. And one net crazier. I've gathered some messages that I want to share with her in order to celebrate and make her day just that much more special. So stay tuned for these awesome heartfelt messages from some people that really, really care about her. Speaker 3 00:50:43 Hi, Emma, Speaker 0 00:50:44 Dave from Germany. Love your podcast. Speaker 3 00:50:49 Okay, bye. Speaker 0 00:50:52 Hey Emma. It's girl Sam happy birthday. You're one of my favorite people ever. And it has just been an honor and a blessing to watch you grow and glow up. I can't believe that our friendship is going on 18 years and I love doing life with you, even though we are always thousands of miles apart, uh, I hope you have the best day ever. And thank you so much for being an amazing best friend and inspiring everyone around you to be better. I hope you come back home soon. Um, love you so much. Peace out, parents abandoned us town. Bye. And thank you Chris for organizing this Speaker 4 00:51:23 Happy birthday, Emma, it's me. Now I have recorded this about maybe 20 times. Um, mainly because there's not enough words to express. How much of a huge inspiration you are to me, to your students, your friends, to your family, and to all those that you are surrounded by. I just want to say happy birthday, of course. And please take time for yourself today to just focus on you. And you only because being the person that you are, you are always giving you are always putting yourself second and those around you first, and today is all about you and only you. So you splurge, you do whatever you gotta do to celebrate yourself and I'll be right there. Love you. Happy birthday. Speaker 3 00:52:21 Bye. Speaker 1 00:52:23 Hey, I'm a happy birthday. Happy birthday. This is your favorite brother-in-law Hey sister, sometimes I'll time jovial. Speaker 3 00:52:38 Rocky, can you say hi, Rocky. Rocky, Rocky, come here. Come say hi, say hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. What is that? Say? Hi. Hi. Hi. Hello. Hello. Okay. See you. Bye bye. Bye bye. Say bye. Say bye bye. Oh, bye bye. Bye. Speaker 1 00:53:20 Hey, I'm uh, what's your favorite brother-in-law again, obviously sickle is not good words. I'm better. Speaker 5 00:53:26 So we just want to say as a, as, as a units that we have always appreciated you and everything you've done for us and the animal park where reasoning will be here in orange County. We always miss you. We always wish you're here, but when you are here, you're always such a great help. And we never take that for granted. I know Sukkot does, but I always appreciate you every single time. No, but we love you always. And we're always thinking about you. Thank you so much for everything you do. Happy birthday. Speaker 3 00:54:04 Goodbye. Bye bye. Bye bye.

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