Ivy Grace Boutique

Episode 12 May 08, 2021 00:40:21
Ivy Grace Boutique
The Tea with Krema
Ivy Grace Boutique

May 08 2021 | 00:40:21


Hosted By

Ema Alatini Kristofer Smith-Wright

Show Notes

Ema and I invite the founder of Ivy Grace Boutique to the show to learn more about her hobby-turned-business. "My name is Shamaine Wilson and I have an addiction! I’m addicted to setting goals and crushing them. Some call me ambitious, others call me crazy. I am a Jesus lover, wife, mother of 3 boys, educator, and recently, an entrepreneur."

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:09 Welcome to the T with crema, probably one of your hosts. And I'm joined by my best friend. Emma, today is a super special episode. We have our first actual guests, not someone that we forced and drug onto the show. We have someone here and her name is Charmaine Wilson and she has an addiction. Yeah, she's addicted to setting goals and Kurt rushing them. Some color hat, ambitious, some color crazy. She's a Jesus lover. She's a wife, a mother of three amazing boys and educator, and very recently an entrepreneur. So let's all welcome Charmaine. Speaker 1 00:00:53 Hey everybody. Thank you all for having me on your show. Speaker 0 00:00:58 Super, super excited. All right. Before we get started with our episode, we do want to check in what tea does everyone have today? Speaker 1 00:01:07 Today? I am drinking surprise, surprise green tea again, but this time it's not the HEB brand because that was trashed. Sorry, HEB. You do everything else. Well. So I'm drinking the Yamamoto Mok Yama. Yamamotoyama Rand. What are y'all drinking? I am not big on tea. However, I do have a Folgers classic roast, medium blend coffee. Oh, at Folgers. Um, please sponsor shoving. She just named, dropped the heck out of y'all Speaker 0 00:01:36 The best part of waking up folders in your cup. Amen. I'm excited. It's our first like morning episode because Emma hates mornings. So usually we have like afternoon episodes, which means I have to drink afternoon teas, but today, no, I get to drink one of my breakfast teas for an episode. So I have my breakfast blend from Tazo and I really like it. It's kind of like a little spicy morning. Blend has just enough caffeine to get me gone for the day without feeling super wired. So that's my tea today. Highly recommend one of my favorite morning teas. Well, I'm glad you all have some nice beverages with you. All right. Well, let's get started. So Charmaine, can you tell us a little bit, how do you know Chris? Speaker 1 00:02:21 Well, I know Chris from an interview, I actually met him at a job there when I was looking to become a teacher. Chris interviewed me and we've now been working together for three years and we've grown to become really good friends. And I feel like I know Emma, just because I'm such a huge fan of the show. She doesn't know a lot about me, but I feel like I know a lot about her just by listening to the tea with crema. Well, you got like a deep, uh, up close and personal view of me and like, yeah, that's true. Cause we, I think we've met maybe like a handful of times, but we haven't really gotten out to hang out yet. It's Speaker 2 00:03:00 Coming, it's coming. Y'all Speaker 0 00:03:02 Speaking of all work together. What is your, your day job and how did you kind of enter that career? Cause I know it's not like your lifelong thing that you've been doing. So tell us a little bit more about that. Speaker 1 00:03:12 Yeah. So I am currently a fifth grade math teacher and the journey started long, long ago. Back when I first started college, I did go into it thinking, yeah, I'm going to be an educator. I want to change the world and be such a good leader for these students. But you know, life happened and I had to work in college, so I wasn't able to complete the student teaching or anything like that. So I switched my degree plan and I went into nursing, such a bad idea. I freaked out. As soon as I walked into the smart cost spittle at UTA, they said that we weren't going to have to draw blood. And I was like, Oh no, get me out of this as soon as possible. So then I switched my degree plan again. And that was a big mistake because I found out that I was pregnant. Speaker 1 00:04:02 Then I had a baby. I was like, okay, I'm so over school, I'm tired of changing my degree plan. Just put me in the quickest thing to get me out of here. So I got my degree in sociology and I knew that I was destined to be a teacher. So I was like, okay, what do I need to do to get my teaching certification? So I entered the Texas teachers alternative teaching program. I didn't complete it quickly at all. I had two babies at this time. So I'm like, okay, I'm a mom, I'm a wife. I have all these responsibilities. There's no way I'm going to get this done. Four years later, I completed the program. I was just like, okay, it's got to happen. So I went to my first job there, which is where I met Chris and I was hired on the spot and I was like, Oh Lord, I can not believe I'm about to be a teacher. Like right now, am I ready? So that's how I started being a teacher. I've been at Eastern Hills elementary now for three years. And it has been a challenge, but I enjoy it. Building those relationships with the students and building the friendship that I have with Chris and a few other teachers and staff at Eastern Hills. Speaker 2 00:05:12 Oh, you want it to be like elementary? Or you were open to it? Speaker 1 00:05:17 I think I was open, but when I did sub I subbed in the lower grades. So I knew I did not want to be second or lower. Absolutely not. Speaker 2 00:05:28 Those babies are so little. I don't know how anyone is. Third grade or below. I give props to them every single day. Cause I'm exhausted. Just watching. Speaker 1 00:05:36 Yes. Teeny tiny, Speaker 2 00:05:41 So many emotions. They have such big emotions in their bodies. Speaker 1 00:05:44 Yes. Along with Speaker 2 00:05:46 Teaching, you also have like passion project. You call it a hobby, but it's like a real side hustle. Like I, I am on your page. I see the content and you post, you are out here. So please tell us more about your passion project, your side hustle, your future career, your second career. I don't know what they call it an education. You know, they're always like you have a second career coming, but yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:09 Well I started it because I was selling like my old purses, my old shoes and clothes on Poshmark. And I was making all these trips to the post office and I'm like, I'm not really getting paid a lot for this. So this is like a job. What can I do to increase the revenue that I'm bringing in? So I started researching on, you know, how to become a online business owner. And I found a lot of things, but it was just like, ah, that's too much work. I don't have time for it. And at the time I wasn't in education, so I didn't have the summers off or anything like that. So I was working full time. It just came about that. It was going to be a hobby. And so I started it with the intention of it being a hobby. Like I'm just going to use my summers and make a little extra income. But anything that I do, it's going to be all or nothing. So once I got into it, it started growing and the people love the stuff. So I'm like, okay, I got to give the people what they want. I guess it's now a part-time job side hustle, whatever you want to call it. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:15 Do you hope to like transition from education to possibly like opening up your own boutique? Speaker 1 00:07:21 No, I don't. I think I am going to stay online only because it's convenient. I don't have to worry about any store costs, rent, all the things that come with it. I would have to get racks for the clothes I would have to then offer like a return policy and just, it seems like it would be a headache and online is just so much more convenient. I can connect with so many more people locally, nationwide, worldwide, if I want it to. So I enjoy having just the online aspect of it. Speaker 2 00:07:54 So can you tell us a little bit more about Ivy, grace too? And like what do you do? Like what are the products that you sell? Like give us all the T also drop your at two. So everyone knows to come follow you. Speaker 1 00:08:04 All right. I will. So thank you for that. You can follow Ivy. Grace boutique on Instagram at Ivy, grace underscore boutique also on Facebook at Ivy, grace boutique 2020, or you can [email protected]. Just to give you a little background. I did tell you how I started. It started with Poshmark and all that. But what really inspired me is when I had a miscarriage, it was so rough. It was like one of the hardest times in my life. At that point I was a teacher. So I had extra time and 2020 was just a wreck altogether. So the name Ivy grace was inspired by my miscarriage. It was my fourth child that I would have had. So I V is the Roman numeral four. So that's where I becomes from. And then grace is, I dove really deep into my faith at that point. So the grace of God really helped me get through that hard time. Speaker 1 00:09:05 It was, I was so sad. Like I never felt that sad before, although I had three healthy kids already, just the thing that all the plans we've made for this fourth child to come in the rooms, being painted the names we could come up with, it was just really depressing. So I'd be grace boutique was inspired by the miscarriage and it really helped me push forward to complete the project to get it started. And once I start something I'm not turning back, it's all or nothing. So I dove into it. I did my research and it's just something that I wanted to do. So the products that I sell, I cater to women between the ages of 32 and 40. And Chris is like 32. That's a weird number, but I'm like, yeah, I'm 31. So I would say 31, but a lot of women, my age don't really dress the way I do. I'm more of a classy, chic and comfortable type of girl. So that's the age group that I like to cater to. I sell fedoras, I sell jewelry. I sell handbags body bags, just go to the website, you see it all. Speaker 2 00:10:15 Yes, leave the people hanging. You, let them go and check it out there. And so I think one thing though, for sure that I do appreciate about like the products that you sell is that you're pretty like size inclusive. Because a lot of times, like when I try to go online shopping, like Chris and I even went to the mall the other day and I was like, Oh, let's go into cotton on. And he was like, okay, we walk in. And I was like, Oh shoot, I have to go online. I forgot. Like I can't shop in store here. And he was like, this is so annoying. He's like, that's not okay. I was like, well, big girl problems. I mean, Oh no. So, but one thing I do appreciate is that you do have like a selection of plus size clothing as well. So plus I have gals out there, Ivy, grace boutique a better be your next stop. All right. Speaker 0 00:10:54 Outraged, just outraged to cannot believe that they were like, yep. You can try on any size up to like 14 or something. Everyone else like you just have to buy it online and hope it fits when you get it. I'm just like, that is the stupidest. Why does it, Oh, God don't even get me started on women's sizing to begin with. It's the most nonsensical system I've ever heard of. Like nothing makes sense. It's just a bunch of random numbers and everyone kind of has their own scaling system. So you have to know like which brand you're buying. Oh Speaker 1 00:11:23 Yeah. And that's definitely something that I have. I never really realized how weird women's sizings is because I noticed that a lot of things that I sell go from small to extra large, but then when it gets to plus size, it's like one X, two X, three X. And my husband's like, isn't an extra large, a one X and I'm like, no, it's not. So I recently found that out myself. I never knew. Speaker 2 00:11:50 And then there's some places that sell zero X and I think zero X is to it XL. Yeah, it's a whole thing. But then X like the zero one, two and three X, just like give more room in the upper area. But that's like, my biggest qualm is because I don't have upper area. So like, what am I covering? Speaker 0 00:12:08 So you've gotten Ivy, grace off the ground. It's doing really well. But what are some of the challenges that you've had developing it from going from, you know, Poshmark where you're running to the post office constantly to now you have your own boutique that you're running. Speaker 1 00:12:24 I would say the biggest challenge I've had so far is just balancing the time that I'm spending on all the aspects. I'm trying to balance the time between my family, my personal time, my me time and my regular job that has been the biggest challenge for me, because I feel like I'm still in time from every little piece of my life just to put into the business and it's been working now, but I'm starting to see that my husband is like, okay, you've been in the office for a while. When are you coming out? So I'm trying to figure out that schedule and get it, you know, perfect. So that I'm not stealing time. And I have the dedicated time to spend on the business and I don't go outside of that schedule. So that is my goal. And I'm a goal crusher. So it's going to happen a goal getter, some may say, okay. Speaker 2 00:13:15 Yes. Speaker 0 00:13:17 What's been your favorite part of Ivy grace. Speaker 1 00:13:21 My favorite part I would have to say is just being able to network with so many people. I've met people in different States and built those relationships and almost friendships. I would say with people in like Georgia and Pennsylvania and Ohio, and I would never have the opportunity to meet with these people or speak with these people. Had I not had IB grace boutiques. So I'm really grateful for those relationships. You never know. I may leave Texas and I may need that connection one day. But I mean, that's not in my plans, but you know, who knows? So I'm just really grateful for that opportunities to meet new people and different people. Speaker 0 00:13:59 Do you have like a special, Oh, they're all spot business or boutique owner groups that you're a part of? Is that how you do that networking or Speaker 1 00:14:07 No, it's not like a small group thing, but on Facebook, there is a group called the blackout coalition. And I joined that group because it was catering to a lot of the new businesses that opened up during the pandemic. There was like a huge thing where people became entrepreneurs because of the pandemic. So people got out there and started using their talents to make extra money during that pandemic. And so within this group, there were people all over the world on Facebook who joined the group. And so I joined, um, just looking to meet new people, support small businesses. And that's how I network with them through social media. And if we ever go to like any craft shows or pop-up shops or anything like that, we can connect and get together and share information on. Okay. Yeah. We're going to have this in Atlanta this month. You should come out or yeah, in Dallas or Fort worth, we're going to have this event you should come. So that's one thing that I've gotten out of this group. Speaker 2 00:15:12 Have you started attending those types of pop-up events yet? Speaker 1 00:15:16 I haven't yet, but on April 17th, there will be a craft show here locally in the Fort worth Hassler area that I will be part of. It's going to be my first one. So I'm definitely looking forward to that. And if it goes well, I am going to look into joining them monthly and then also looking in different areas to see how to possibly create my own pop-up shop in which businesses would allow me to use like their parking lot or their event space to have pop-up shops for people who don't like online shopping and who would like to try on the clothes before they purchase. So that's something that I have in mind. Speaker 2 00:15:58 That's awesome. I love that. There's a network for small business owners. My parents owned a small business for a really long time when I was growing up. So I just know how difficult it is to like get out there. But I love that it's like not a toxic place or it seems like it's not a toxic place. No, it's not at all. You're all like empowering each other and kind of like mentoring each other through everything and just supporting honestly, are you on clubhouse and do you use it to network or how do you like, do you use it at all at, in any capacity for Ivy greys? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:16:30 Yes I do. I, I am on clubhouse. I am not the greatest at connecting with people through clubhouse, but I get on there and I like to listen. Like there's a lot of good advice on there. A lot of lawyers or who I listen to just to make sure that I have everything in order for myself to protect myself in case anything happens. So I listened to a lot of lawyers on there. I do have a few friends that I've networked with or social media who I follow, but with me not having a lot of time, it's kind of difficult for me to listen in and be active on clubhouse as much as I would like to be. Speaker 2 00:17:06 That's true. I like also don't know how to use clubhouse very well. Chris and I were discussing that. He's like, I don't think I like fully get it yet. And I was like, I feel like people who do do it and do it well, they like really get stuff out of it. And I was like one day when I have time as well, you know, I'll figure it out. So, you know, you're a mom, you're a teacher, you're a wife. Like you have all these things going on. Like how do you find a balance? Because that is a lot of different hats to wear lots of different, like things to keep in mind while you're doing it. How do you do it? That's what I want to know. Speaker 1 00:17:39 You know, it is a work in progress. And for me, I just set these goals. They're really informal goals and I try not to myself out. So I'll say, you know, I'll voice my goal. I won't write it down because then it's like, okay, I have to do it, but I'll voice my goal. And I'll let everybody in my house, know my husband, my kids, and everybody I'll let them know so that they can hold me accountable for whatever it is I want to achieve. So if I say, okay, I'm going to spend about an hour in the office. Y'all watch the clock because I can easily spend two, three hours in the office. So if y'all need me and it's been over an hour, make sure you come and get me. So for me, I think it's just setting those informal goals to make sure that I get it done. Like regardless of what it is, like Nike just do it. Like I find myself thinking like, okay, why am I not doing it? You just need to do it once you get up and get started. It's like, it's done. So why not just go ahead and make it happen. Speaker 0 00:18:40 Do you feel like that carries over and has helped your, your kiddos with, cause I know goal setting is a super intense skill to learn and follow through on, um, and working in education with you. I know that that's something and going through education, myself, having to figure out how to set my goals myself and not really having someone necessarily to look up to all the time for that. Do you feel as though, like you're helping to be a role model for your kids and then for your, your students, your coworkers and the people around you as well? Speaker 1 00:19:13 Yes I do. Actually. I tell my kids all the time, like, you know, there are a lot of things that we have and you know, we wouldn't have them unless we worked hard to get it. They see me and my passion and my dedication for everything that I put my hands in. And so they, my actual kids, they are really goal oriented. Like they want to set these goals. They want to make sure that whatever they want to do, that they achieve those goals. And then as far as my students, you know, their fifth grade, so goal setting with them is a little bit challenging, but if they practice it and they see that you're holding them accountable and you have these high expectations, it's more realistic for them to want to achieve those goals. And it doesn't hurt to put a little incentive in there for them, maybe a bag of talkies or something. Setting those goals with them is really important to me. And for some of them, I see that it's really important for them as well. Speaker 0 00:20:09 Those talkies, you know, Charmaine gives them talkies cause they come in and there's red dust all over the science papers because they come in to me after. So I'm like, why is your paper read? It must be talking to him. I do not. The kids come in, their fingers are nasty. And now that it's like tech and I'm like, y'all need to wipe down your computer. This is gross. And they're like, miss, what can I am like, just get away from me, do not touch anything. I was like, I feel like this is worse than this is worse than any kind of sickness kind of attacking desk. Okay. I got to set up a line like y'all gotta wash your hands. Okay. That's something we gotta go to the bathroom cannot. Speaker 1 00:20:48 But that is Speaker 2 00:20:49 True because I feel like even as an adult, like goal setting, like I feel like I set very ambitious goals and that's probably part of the issue is that I don't keep myself accountable. And so I think you need to come back on the, on the show so you can do a goal setting workshop with us. I would love to, I think that would be super fun or we can collaborate and do, I don't know something, we'll figure it out. But I think that, that, again, like Chris said, that is a very specific goal and I love that you're teaching your children that right now, too, because that can only take, you know, that don't take them everywhere that they ever need to go. That's awesome. So going on with that, do you have any tips or advice for someone who's interested in starting their own company or is thinking about it just doesn't know how to get started? Speaker 1 00:21:32 Yeah. Um, my biggest advice is to just go for it. A lot of people say that you only live once and if you don't do it, then you know, you've missed out. But for me, I feel like you live every day and every day that you live, it's like, that's a lost opportunity that you could have taken. Had you launched your business or started your project? Like just do it Nike at Nike, you hear us just do it. So I'm just saying, that's my biggest advice. Like I put my business off for a while, just, you know, I'm motivated. I didn't have anybody to push me. It's not like we needed the income. And finally it was just like, okay, I'm going to do it. And once I started it, it just picked up. So that's my biggest thing. Just go after it. Speaker 2 00:22:19 It sounds more like Charmaine's mottos carpet more so than the DCS every day. Every day. All the days. Yeah. Because I feel like a lot of times, you know, we see on social media, like people who are doing all these businesses and doing super well, and we just hope that like, we go into it and it'll just happen. Right. But it's not something that just like happens overnight. I don't know. Did it happen just like overnight for you? Or was there like a buildup or Speaker 1 00:22:50 Yeah, it w it wasn't overnight. Of course there were a lot of things that had to happen. Like, uh, there are so many things behind the scenes that you don't see. So you have to get those licenses that you need. You have to go and file certain paperwork. You have to have this equipment, you have to have the technology, you have to have the platform. So there are a lot of things that I had to have in place before I just popped up with the business, but I did start posting everything on my social media overnight. I pulled a Beyonce. So I dropped my business online overnight. So that the next day when people woke up to this, they were like, is this your business? So I'm like, yeah, that's my business. Um, and they had all these questions about how did I get started? And it was like, I think it took me a good month to get it up and going. So it wasn't an overnight process. And just to think of the business and to have the inspiration that took years, Shameni all the beyond say of, uh, Ivy, grace move over 11, eight, come through. <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:24:05 So kind of speaking of those tips, I know you mentioned a lot of, and we've all kind of seen it, a lot of small businesses popping up during the pandemic. And so I'm curious to know, how did you not find yourself like drowning in this sea of new businesses and still being able to find that success be successful, stick true to Ivey grace, uh, and continue to grow during a time where the market kind of got a little saturated. Speaker 1 00:24:31 Yeah, for sure. And I see like a lot of boutiques popping up and it's not for the week. It's like, if you want something, you have to stay with it. You have to stick to it. And that's something that a lot of businesses they fail because they think that, okay, it's gonna support itself. It's gonna pay for itself. Yeah. But you have to put in the work. So if you're not putting in the work to make it happen, then yeah. You're going to see yourself failing your business. Isn't going to grow. And I talked to a lot of friends who have like t-shirt companies and they're like, Oh, you're always posting things. I have to do much better. And I wish I could do that. And they have these things where you could schedule your posts. A lot of platforms like Shopify, they offer that to where you could schedule posts to go out daily if you wanted to. Speaker 1 00:25:24 So I feel that in order to be successful, you just have to push and work hard, be dedicated. And I give up, I will say, you are so good at that because you make sure that Ivy, grace is like at the front of the algorithm. And I feel like you've broken it. Like you've broke it into the, what the secret sauce is. So I'm very interested. I feel like I got to just talk to you on the side because I am struggling with our social media. Chris is always like, I'm like, Chris, can we do this? And he's like, I don't care, but can we do this? He's like, I don't care. I just want our social media to be popping. But again, like, I know it's a process. You gotta build it. You can't just be overnight and expect like success and all that stuff. Speaker 1 00:26:04 So I'm still figuring out what works for us, but yeah, you have found the sauce and it's so cool. Do you like take all your product shots yourself or does your husband help you or is that like a one-woman show? Please. Tell me more about that girl. It is one woman show. Oh my God. It's so exhausting. It literally takes me a full Workday to take the pictures, upload the pictures because I have a tripod and I have my camera. So I take like a few shots just to make sure the lighting is okay. And then I have to go in wardrobe change. So switching clothes, like, okay, I think I have enough shots to post this. So let me move on to the next one. And lately of course, we're still in the school year. So I haven't had a lot of time. I've had all these orders coming in and I have boxes upon boxes upon boxes of product that I need to get pictured and posted. Speaker 1 00:27:02 So it can take literally all day. My last process was, I think I started at about 8:50 AM and that's with hair makeup, you know, the whole thing. And I was not done taking pictures alone until about 3:40 PM. So then after I take all the pictures, I have to combine them because I like to do a three in one picture just to make it a little bit easier for you to see the different angles. And so after doing all that for all the outfits, all the products, I then have to upload them to the website. So typically I'll take about a day to get everything organized and then uploaded to the site. But I will make it active until the very next day. Sometimes, usually that's what I do. But yesterday actually I was able to get everything done from about eight 50 to about six o'clock. So that's taking pictures, organizing them and making them active to the public. So it's a process. It's a one-woman show. I do feel that if I had hope it would make a little bit easier. Cause that's not even, we can't even talk about the cleanup process. So if I had somebody to just clean up as we go, that would help. I'm going to be cleaning it up today. I didn't get that done yesterday. Speaker 2 00:28:22 All interns, please, please apply at the Lincoln bio because yeah, you're right. Cause I can just think about like myself changing clothes, like when I can't figure out an outfit, but you like go in and you have like the colors. Like I love that. That's like one of my favorite things is because I can like look through your social media and be like, Oh, that's a cute color. You know? And then like click on that. And then, you know, when I go to the website, I'm like, okay, I know like that's the color that I would like, but y'all like, Shameen is out here with all the angles, getting all the angles. And I was like, wow, she's like really good at this. But I did not realize it took eight hours. Like, Oh no, that is a full-time job. Ma'am it really is. I can not. Oh my goodness. Okay. So what does a fully realized Ivy? Grace look like, like everything you've ever wanted in your wildest dreams, what does that look like to you? Speaker 1 00:29:15 Because it started as just a hobby. I really don't have any real high expectations to expand our men's wear or kids' clothes or a storefront. My husband and I were actually just talking about, do you think that you're going to have a storefront? Like could you see yourself running a full time, ivory grace boutique. And I told him no, because for one I do not like retail. I worked in retail for years during college and it was just something that was exhausting, the customer service alone. Like what if I'm not in the mood to be nice to you today? I don't want to tarnish my business because I'm in a bad mood. So I see Abby, grace just being fully online, being able to connect with all the people locally, nationwide, worldwide, and focusing just on the women's attire and products for now. That's my highest goal for now. Speaker 3 00:30:11 Oh, y'all did you hear that before now? There's always power in the yet. And so we're waiting. We're just manifesting for you some minutes. Where for Chris? For me like three outfits. Okay. Speaker 0 00:30:25 Well those Ivy grace originals, I feel like those are, Speaker 3 00:30:28 That's going to be the one that's going to be the one y'all designing clothes now. All right. Speaker 0 00:30:35 Was there anything else you'd like to share with everyone Charmaine about Ivey grace, your endeavors, those projects. Speaker 1 00:30:43 So, um, I would just like to add that I'm grateful, you know, for a family who is so understanding my husband, who's so supportive throughout the whole process, the late nights, my kids helping me just throughout everything. I'm just grateful that I have such a good support system here at home. Speaker 0 00:31:02 Do you have any other questions you wanna ask? Speaker 3 00:31:04 Oh, I'm like in my fields now I'm like, yes. Shout out to the family because that's true too. You know, like every successful business also needs to have that support. Cause you know, you wouldn't be able to do what you do if your kids was like running in and out of, you know, like in and out of your shots and doing all this stuff. So like just as much as it's like a full-time job for you, that's like a full-time job for the fan too. I love that. Okay. Bringing them along for the journey and the goal setting. Okay. I have no questions on my end though, but thank you again, Shameen for coming to our show, you know, and being a willing participant to be interviewed. Speaker 1 00:31:41 Yes, I have enjoyed it. I love y'all show. So I feel very special to be your first willing. Speaker 3 00:31:50 I just need to be listening to them. Like y'all I like, I was also willing no forced to do this. Speaker 0 00:31:58 He did not really receive an invitation. It was just like, great. We'll see. Saturday with that. Let's get going with our or rapid fire questions. Speaker 3 00:32:09 Awesome. Do y'all know what I'm trying to make with, you know, like, do y'all hear the noise that I'm trying to make? Cause I hear it in my head. Okay. Thank you. Speaker 0 00:32:20 Probably no, that noise. Cause there was a, like, I had a job one time and so like all the guys at the job downloaded an app that made that noise. And so then at the end of the day, when the Workday was done, they'd all walk around with their phones on full blast. Just like pressing the button and like making the noise. I'm like, if y'all don't like, just go home, just go home. Like just, I can't just stop with this. And then they put a face. It was a whole thing. Anyways. Rapid fire questions. Is there anyone who would like to go first? Speaker 3 00:32:47 I'd go first. So my question is my favorite part. So if you experienced a freaky Friday, who would you trust most to be you? Oh no, probably Chris to do my job. I feel like Chris would be the most well-equipped just to be able to like go in and be like, I'm going to teach now. Um, I was like, Oh, I probably could trust Isaac. But I was like, keep you in front of those kids. And like, let's watch a movie. Speaker 0 00:33:21 Not even like, Oh, let's view a film. He'd be like, nah, we were watching a movie. Speaker 3 00:33:25 We don't watch transformers today. Something that's blows up. The kids will be like, let's watch a quiet place miss. And he'd be like, okay. I was like, or maybe my mom. I was like, thinking like maybe my mom would be, but I wouldn't be able to freaky Friday with her and do her job. That's the part where I'd be like, no thanks. I'm good. That's an awesome question. I don't know. So Chris, probably Chris, who would you choose? I don't know. Speaker 0 00:33:47 I feel like I could choose a lot of people actually. You could choose from and I could choose Ima I could choose my mom. I think if I want him to be a little risky, I would choose like my brother and my sister, like, you know, risky, maybe on a Saturday, but Speaker 3 00:34:00 No it's a Friday. It's a Friday. It's a full moon. Friday the 13th. Yep. Speaker 0 00:34:07 Which I'm with my brother. Cause you know that one Friday, the 13th. Speaker 3 00:34:10 Woo. Those are the challenging Speaker 0 00:34:13 Days. I don't, I didn't believe in the full moon thing until I started teaching. I was like, Oh no, it's different. Full moons are different. Oh my goodness. What about your Charmaine? Speaker 3 00:34:22 Um, just to break out of my shell, I would pick Brian because he is definitely not going to teach my children at, at school. He's going to crack jokes with them all day and I don't do that. I'm more of a serious like we learn in today and he's more like a jokester. So I would allow him to be me for a day just to break out of my shell a little bit. The kids would be so thrown off. They'd be like, can we get a Ms. Wilson? That was here last Friday. That is so funny. That is such a good question. Oh my gosh. I got to think about that. Now. My question is gonna sound hecka boring compared to that. So Chris, you go next to that. My boy. Okay. Speaker 0 00:35:08 My question is if you had to bury a treasure today, like hide the treasure somewhere, Speaker 3 00:35:14 Where would you hide it? I'm not going to tell you because what if I go and do it, then they're going to find it. You'd have to have a treasure friend. First of all, I have treasures. You know, I got to think about that. Tremaine. Where would you hide yours? I would hide my treasure at the bottom of the ocean and the Pacific ocean. Good. Cause then Chris, won't go find it because he can't swim the Pacific ocean. You tried to kill me second. Speaker 0 00:35:44 I'm not going into submarine anyway. So it's going to stay down there. Like I Nope. If it's down there, it's down there. You're right. I am leaving it there. Speaker 3 00:35:54 I would hide mine somewhere in my closet. Cause low key. I feel like a lot of things go missing in my closet. It's a really bad it's uh, it's not good. The things that I lose in there. And then when I go in there and Chris comes over and he starts sprinkling and he's like, why is this? I'm like, Oh, I was looking for that. It's just a medicine. I don't even know. Speaker 0 00:36:13 Last time I cleaned in there, I didn't go in the closet. I was like, nah, I'm gonna clean the room. Like you can handle the closet. The closet was too much. Speaker 3 00:36:19 And it was just spring cleaning. Okay. He wasn't cleaning the room. I mean, he basically was like, you need to get rid of this. That's too much. Why do you have this? I don't know. I have a lot of useless things. Speaker 0 00:36:29 Oh yeah. Cause it was like right before it was, cause we had to set up like an actual office in your room because you know, pandemic teaching how to teaching from home. It was a whole setup. Speaker 3 00:36:40 Where would you hide your stuff? Where would you hide your treasure? Chris? Speaker 0 00:36:43 I was gonna say something stupid, like Mount Everest. And I was like, everyone goes to Mount Everest. I mean, like not everyone, everyone, but like everyone goes to Mount Everest, you know? So I'd probably choose like some random mountain that like no one actually goes to like the third, highest mountain, because like who goes and hikes on like the third highest run. Does that Mt. Even have a name? Like who cares? So probably like the third or fourth highest mountain. That's where I would go if I didn't make it. And then everyone knew where it was. Cause I died there, like holding it, Speaker 3 00:37:14 Worse treasure hunt mess. We're just going to leave that there. Okay. So my rapid fire question is if you could play on any Olympic sport team, what would you play and what would you be? Speaker 0 00:37:29 Archery? That was very fast. I mean it's either that or swimming, but I can't swim that well. So it'd be archery. Speaker 3 00:37:35 Well, no you could like like you have the skill to do it is archery, even Island it's part. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:37:40 Archery final answer. Speaker 3 00:37:43 They would participate in track and field. I would like to be a 100 meter sprinter. She's a runner. She's a track star. If y'all are on to talk, you know, that's all on 100 meter. That's a really fast, that's fast. That was my thing in high school. So yeah, I would definitely participate in track and field. Oh my goodness. I would like, I would, they would put off the gun. I'm like, Oh we're going. It's now like right now, right now we're can I like, I'll catch up everyone. I said I would do. I don't know if y'all know what curling is in the winter Olympics. It is my favorite sport. Yes. And I would be the sweeper, not the wine because apparently it takes some skill to like release and I don't, I have the skill for that, but I think I could sweep. I could sweep, sweep, sweep. So, and I just that's like one of my favorite things to watch on the Olympics is curling and figure skating. I don't know why I don't fully understand the rules. I think it's like botchy ball. I'm not really sure though, but it's so like you would have three red balls. I'd have three green balls and then whoever gets closest to the ball, it's like there's points and you can like knock each other's balls out. No, I don't know. Speaker 3 00:39:01 Sometimes I feel botchy ball in the grass. I love playing a different set of sports growing up than I did. So tennis golf. I have to set myself up for future success, but I was not good at any of the sports. So literally it didn't work out. Where can people find Ivey? Grace boutique. You can find Ivy grace boutique at Ivy, grace boutique.net. You can follow us on Instagram at Ivy, grace underscore a boutique and on Facebook at IME grace boutique 2020, check it out, check it out. There's always good sales. Where can people find the podcast? Charmaine has such a good podcast voice. I just wanted to point that out. You was like on right there. Um, okay. So you can find the podcast on Twitter and Instagram at the T with crema and you can find us anywhere that you can stream podcasts. We'll see. Y'all next time buddy.

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