The Tea is Coming!

December 05, 2020 00:01:09
The Tea is Coming!
The Tea with Krema
The Tea is Coming!

Dec 05 2020 | 00:01:09


Hosted By

Ema Alatini Kristofer Smith-Wright

Show Notes

This is it! After months of talking and weeks of planning, our first episode is finally almost here! Join us on this journey of reflection, self-discovery, and hilarious conversations. Kris and Ema (Krema, if you will), two friends just following our life paths and having a great time along the way.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:08 <inaudible> my Speaker 1 00:00:16 Friend, Emma, I'm super excited to invite you to listen to our podcast. Em, and I have been working to make this podcast a reality for quite some time, and we're so glad to see it come to life and to be able to share it with you, join us as we discuss and reflect on all sorts of topics, such as relationships, self care, trying new experiences and so much more. You can find us on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google play Stitcher and Amazon. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at the T with crema. We're super excited. We can't wait to lunch. Thank you so much.

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